It seems that after running the patch once again, the active protection period can be activate once again. But is it possible to create valid backups and make recoveries via rescue media or is there limitation due to the trial period?
Hello. I think i have the response but is there a patch for version ( Because i use it every day and, for me, this the only (with version) that really works Thanks
Is this the answer to my question? If yes, I already understood the principle, but I want to know what the AC...exe exactly do on my pc.
skyteddy Briefly: - it simply adds a few keys into the registry Some details: - traditional methods would not work any longer since acpho - it does not patch any programm or system files - all the trick is based on hacking a real license - thanks to KleineZiege for posting her ActivatoionBlob - you can read it at HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Acronis\CyberProtectHomeOffice\Settings
It sounds very good! Many thanks kianew for this detailed information! Why don't you write a script for this e.g. in powershell or you use the good old batch?
I once hack goodsync.exe file, to make it get any serial/name believe it was before 10 years ago, today …
I know, this ist not the problem what the crack do. The problem is, you wrote a crack and provide a link to this crack.And the crack is a ACPHO_Subscription_31d.exe. these are not my rules, these are the rules of MDL.
Gentlemen, just to be clear. I've done what was going to and I'm not interested any longer. For those willing to make a script in allowed formats there is core basics below to start with. WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Acronis\CyberProtectHomeOffice" "standard" " 7102 20 2 20 22109 25120 27 98 12 1 25 18 13 16120 5 30102 29 23 96 7 25120 31 18 19 98 15108 23 4120 16 5109 4 25 29 99 97120 13 0 27108 98 5109103120 98102 18 16 20108 15 24120 96 31102 3 13 25 27 17" WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Acronis\CyberProtectHomeOffice\Settings" "ActivatoionBlob" '{ "Error" : 0, "Status" : "", "Value" : "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE5NTU3MjQwMjUsImhpZCI6IjMxRTc1Q0RDRkUyNkMwMTMzMzc4MzkyQjg4NEQxQzRBIiwidWlkIjoiMTQ0MDA0NjM0OCIsIm5iZiI6MTk1MzEzMjAyNSwic3R5cGUiOiJlc3NlbnRpYWwiLCJ2ZXIiOjEsImlzcyI6InJwYy5hY3JvbmlzLmNvbSIsImVtYWlsIjoiYnV4aWJ1YnBhdWxhbmVyQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsInNleHAiOjE5NjM0MjQ1MzksInNleHBybyI6MTk2NjAxNjUzOSwiaWF0IjoxOTUzMTMyMDI1LCJzZXhwcnciOjE5NjM4NTY1Mzl9.muRyXV-jhFzEgQQKD2Ff_6HfpNUY2PHOZX0bhgxZ4piqL3YIZR_qQCXFD3MkVCF8McXAqhbvspMuvL_5ySsmHRdBSXWHEJs2E1T9uPms0P6tGTltyY8I-9_CrLplrHCRe4ju-gr3yhPxBr0b_GVtEy_NEkCkl5xJjFauhM1ykMHq4vCjJwztsIhJfrV0pWiKBRmsuqENNds_lu-TK5ETu3dcnrM1kSHmhTqOSQeWM_sJ83MhaI9qFGCkjquopyNPmMbJZ7dTSHYIlqt8r972C5kjl995FUBfZo8EeDOnM0JgNY87sgkBQtciO2BURK58F5se83lS8_B9oHFtYIXtKw", "Version" : 1}' WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Acronis\MediaBuilder" "ExtraData" "1" WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Acronis\MediaBuilder" "MediaData" " 7102 20 2 20 22109 25120 27 98 12 1 25 18 13 16120 5 30102 29 23 96 7 25120 31 18 19 98 15108 23 4120 16 5109 4 25 29 99 97120 13 0 27108 98 5109103120 98102 18 16 20108 15 24120 96 31102 3 13 25 27 17" DeleteRegKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Classes\AppID\{E7F904D5-83DE-43F6-8EF5-9443DF243CFA}"