Hello, I am little bit lost - is there a way how to avoid trial for ACPHO? Not the boot CD but for windows app? Thank You
BIG THANK....but PLS help me to understand well... I must copy this code and after save it as ???' .bat ? After this i must run the command and activate 1 month and also if select yes activate a schedule so every 20 days restart command ? Thank Hispa
The one to create the script can make a demo video of his script is more than writing if he has the temp
Copy the code content and paste it into a notepad. Save with any name, wherever you want (for example, on the desktop) with the extension bat Code: @echo off mode con cols=90 lines=30 set task=0 if "%~1"=="-task" set task=1 cd /d %~dp0 >nul 2>&1 title Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office 1 Month Subscription ^| by mephistooo2 echo. echo ADMINISTRATOR RIGHTS ENABLED... echo. echo please wait... >nul 2>&1 reg add hkcu\software\classes\.Admin\shell\runas\command /f /ve /d "cmd /x /d /r set \"f0=%%2\"& call \"%%2\" %%3"& set _= %* >nul 2>&1 fltmc|| if "%f0%" neq "%~f0" (cd.>"%temp%\runas.Admin" & start "%~n0" /high "%temp%\runas.Admin" "%~f0" "%_:"=""%" & exit /b) >nul 2>&1 reg delete hkcu\software\classes\.Admin\ /f >nul 2>&1 del %temp%\runas.Admin /f /q ::=============================================================================================================== cls echo. echo Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office 1 Month Subscription ^| by mephistooo2 echo. wmic.exe process where name="CyberProtectHomeOffice.exe" delete wmic.exe process where name="anti_ransomware_service.exe" delete reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Acronis\CyberProtectHomeOffice" /v "standard" /t REG_SZ /d " 7102 20 2 20 22109 25120 27 98 12 1 25 18 13 16120 5 30102 29 23 96 7 25120 31 18 19 98 15108 23 4120 16 5109 4 25 29 99 97120 13 0 27108 98 5109103120 98102 18 16 20108 15 24120 96 31102 3 13 25 27 17" /reg:32 /f reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Acronis\CyberProtectHomeOffice\Settings" /v "ActivatoionBlob" /t REG_SZ /d "{ \"Error\" : 0, \"Status\" : \"\", \"Value\" : \"eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE5NTU3MjQwMjUsImhpZCI6IjMxRTc1Q0RDRkUyNkMwMTMzMzc4MzkyQjg4NEQxQzRBIiwidWlkIjoiMTQ0MDA0NjM0OCIsIm5iZiI6MTk1MzEzMjAyNSwic3R5cGUiOiJlc3NlbnRpYWwiLCJ2ZXIiOjEsImlzcyI6InJwYy5hY3JvbmlzLmNvbSIsImVtYWlsIjoiYnV4aWJ1YnBhdWxhbmVyQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsInNleHAiOjE5NjM0MjQ1MzksInNleHBybyI6MTk2NjAxNjUzOSwiaWF0IjoxOTUzMTMyMDI1LCJzZXhwcnciOjE5NjM4NTY1Mzl9.muRyXV-jhFzEgQQKD2Ff_6HfpNUY2PHOZX0bhgxZ4piqL3YIZR_qQCXFD3MkVCF8McXAqhbvspMuvL_5ySsmHRdBSXWHEJs2E1T9uPms0P6tGTltyY8I-9_CrLplrHCRe4ju-gr3yhPxBr0b_GVtEy_NEkCkl5xJjFauhM1ykMHq4vCjJwztsIhJfrV0pWiKBRmsuqENNds_lu-TK5ETu3dcnrM1kSHmhTqOSQeWM_sJ83MhaI9qFGCkjquopyNPmMbJZ7dTSHYIlqt8r972C5kjl995FUBfZo8EeDOnM0JgNY87sgkBQtciO2BURK58F5se83lS8_B9oHFtYIXtKw\", \"Version\" : 1}" /reg:32 /f reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Acronis\CyberProtectHomeOffice\Settings" /v "AutocheckUpdates" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /reg:32 /f reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Acronis\MediaBuilder" /v "ExtraData" /t REG_SZ /d "1" /reg:32 /f reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Acronis\MediaBuilder" /v "MediaData" /t REG_SZ /d " 7102 20 2 20 22109 25120 27 98 12 1 25 18 13 16120 5 30102 29 23 96 7 25120 31 18 19 98 15108 23 4120 16 5109 4 25 29 99 97120 13 0 27108 98 5109103120 98102 18 16 20108 15 24120 96 31102 3 13 25 27 17" /reg:32 /f reg.exe delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{E7F904D5-83DE-43F6-8EF5-9443DF243CFA} /reg:32 /f sc start "AcronisActiveProtectionService" >nul 2>&1 echo. echo Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office Subscription successfully activated for 1 month. if %task% equ 1 ( goto :TaskScheduleRUN ) echo. echo Do you want to the 1 month subscription for Acronis CPHO to be reset every 20 days? echo. echo. [Y]ES [N]O echo. choice /C:YN /N /M "YOUR CHOICE : " if errorlevel 2 goto :Exit if errorlevel 1 goto :TaskSchedule ::=============================================================================================================== :Exit timeout /t 1 >nul exit ::=============================================================================================================== :TaskSchedule copy /y "%0" %windir%\system32\acronis_reset.bat >nul 2>&1 pushd %TEMP% >nul 2>&1 @set "0=%~f0" &powershell -nop -c $f=[IO.File]::ReadAllText($env:0)-split':Acronis\:.*';iex($f[1]); X(1) >nul 2>&1 schtasks /create /tn "Acronis" /xml "%TEMP%\Acronis.xml" /f >nul 2>&1 del /f /q %TEMP%\Acronis.xml >nul 2>&1 echo. echo OK echo. echo Press any key to exit... pause >nul 2>&1 exit ::=============================================================================================================== :TaskScheduleRUN timeout /t 1 exit ::=============================================================================================================== :Acronis: $k='L?92QK@6UF<(+zMYpRTx3C/>X{0n_Jf&iE5u8|coml1;Vj=,O\qB~IZ.kNe$PSAyHbGt}^a])[!Wsh%g`dw4v#*7r-D'; Add-Type -Ty @' using System.IO;public class BAT91{public static void Dec(ref string[] f,int x,string fo,string key){unchecked{int n=0,c=255,q=0 ,v=91,z=f[x].Length; byte[]b91=new byte[256]; while(c>0) b91[c--]=91; while(c<91) b91[key[c]]=(byte)c++; using (FileStream o=new FileStream(fo,FileMode.Create)){for(int i=0;i!=z;i++){c=b91[f[x][i]]; if(c==91)continue; if(v==91){v=c;}else{v+=c*91;q|=v<<n;if( (v&8191)>88){n+=13;}else{n+=14;}v=91;do{o.WriteByte((byte)q);q>>=8;n-=8;}while(n>7);}}if(v!=91)o.WriteByte((byte)(q|v<<n));} }}} '@; cd -Lit($env:__CD__); function X([int]$x=1){[BAT91]::Dec([ref]$f,$x+1,$x,$k); expand -R $x -F:* .; del $x -force} :Acronis:[ Acronis_xml ::nZvqRLLL,t5?LLLLLL*fLLLLLLLLyKpLHLLL,t=?LLY2LL|?^Eu60cLLLLLLLL=/xPLiAK|?g0RoO0M.,v4^UDHX1d!)8oi5+j-|QLr}TKo?|?LL=a]tdJ6DC(N;#[#X7e ::3eqifOe$k,,9>up,aMVRIUS~<}~rlqU(<5LLL8pDf&9j82HjcBpU`ProC1Wz=pxxwebS^!rqGu)e1;{=Oet|nN8mL#(IHzn%]\Z?S_wtF#ywlYT7P-.L)9>(LLZQ]$j?uB ::Vd&/x#@~!fWo8Oxn`VQ-%p_[P`Fv?j&g41g2B(wrmU!9F5Z.7=udjY-?^j~zRb^+U0\FK;dQ.?1_Fp.4_m83x7_[<9+cU3yP%},VIv/xZ=4lQ/=L|p^FmBME[?=]9vW$@@ ::#d|`;$o0D,MGsk!=2Beu,>e]/p]iboOQD,^uQfP\)70DR6K~oEqa=g1SFq{Uy[lP1guh$6|p|7L5)GdWJ-S!(L1IfTD},zu{fFe7{~I(;G^eaG<Y]UNO$Tz,~R1!i()i>! ::66RTgZG?dg.~4g9&=mSNG15}9*5u-[&EF._mvR~QU?aVi+EcQ^{GL^B!fD[l}>~,TeE|+bSZKo#]Bm5#lR_S+h~7E),bYk^T2Zn}R#a~_%\d[B#O&aOUnW~2|(@/,&Q.1w ::5.=.dHw[1|\hUos&XjpF_nDV!Y_50RP5K6Eq`C4bSnrs6p5\iXl_O\g#jTgkbgCl}OLqa2p#u4W2L={!*4koXwK6%fmfUs{{V]YhpgUH!TyfMcTbMbra;4CV^p71.aUc@0 ::WNZC^tc)>/jPxCLy6naf8[!1#>rGi7\_\BXcv61yv7V^Erz=f8,pY)MC<]#\ik?I6!ALB%-;vxzxKTu5#7#.sq!K6A<%nqfdd1!Y|E=E&m!5JRP3bDIk\aEq_d!,-qI6rI ::%@NxI^hoQkKtc{[V&nAR=UK5/Hw.s\%AWcERa{z3-Jl6uW81z9[8$tgvWsJ[#{U&AJGN^1ZG?rvQd~I2-T_61GIsLZ1RnT6h;Z~~qW{jOx+;S=ZAg0^T-/|-LpHwyKeHot ::P=_4C!}yt1Noe]2fZbwASuiJP1NmI!.lz1w9iA5pUpGr^A0\/Xb;r=dS&qPkL>MBmn7GrY0o.K;&U*+*/`Y^tu*&VVno>*mrS{]$60L6NVJ9vwg<Ui3z%uot_5Dy=i6^_& ::y9RIC#yw)17m936@;WUp*o4\4aC.,un2&b^2x;IWJ@0/#e\66~@Xa{i^P(96JD[ :Acronis:] ::=============================================================================================================== It's very easy to use, just double click and wait for the process to finish, then it will ask if you want to Schedule Task. Answer yes if you want, no if you don't. This much...
So are there any good alternatives now that Acronis has pretty much ran this product into the ground?
My current (and only remaining) fav is Terabyte Image for Windows. EDIT: Nothing wrong with using older Acronis versions, of course. (In PE only, obviously).
lol we share the same taste now, finally. Terabyte Image for Windows has been my favorite for more than 10 years now. lol R-Drive Image is not bad either.
Hi OliverJia, it's been a long time Please remind me: Was it you or me who changed his mind about Terabyte? Oh, and for those who wonder why it's so great: It's fast, compact (pretty much "portable"), just a great product from a dedicated company.