ATI boot media will pop up a command-line to manually unlock volumes Macrium Reflect boot media can auto unlock bitLocker volumes (should be enabled while creating the boot cd) Can't say! It's a matter of preferences...
When I back up my system via pendrive with bootable ATI 2021 the default option is always INCREMENTAL copy. I always have to manually change it to a FULL copy. How to change it from default INCREMENTAL copy to FULL copy ? Is it possible ? In bootable ATI 2021 ! Of course...
Very strange. I also use 2021, still 39814 - make a backup with that AcronisCyberProtectHomeOffice40729.ISO - latest - This ISO with e.g. Create Rufus. The applications at ATI2021 and ACPHO2023 have remained the same, no change in image generation.
As far as I remember, if Acronis True Image find any backup on your connected drives, incremental is the default option. If not, full backup is the selected option. by the way: Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office v28.2.1.40901 was released on December 12, 2023.
MarvelX7 Black menu can be bypassed by modifying efi\boot\bootx64.xml file in your iso\usb. Blue menu is not used when booting in uefi mode.
How can I embed Acronis Universal Restore and Cyber Protect Home Office files in the same ISO winpe file? I want to merge 2 separate ISO files into one ISO file.
mephistooo2 In brief: Mount both boot.wim from your ISOs with GImageX. Copy necessary acronis files from one to another. Modify startnet.cmd if you wish to add a start menu. Save the target boot.wim and put it back to ISO.
Automatic license reset script for Acronis CPHO is their anyway to run this silent like with a /s switch?