Acronis x Macrium x Paragon

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by ultimate_live, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. oliverjia

    oliverjia MDL Addicted

    Mar 1, 2008
    Yes it's a great piece of imaging app.
    You may also want to try Image for Linux and even Image for Windows, which support UEFI/GPT and secure boot.

  2. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    but clonezilla copy only data, even on corrupted disk.

    The big problem with RAW image is that image created is the same size of the disk.

    If you have a 1TB disk, a RAW image will be 1TB.
  3. oliverjia

    oliverjia MDL Addicted

    Mar 1, 2008
    OK I see the "data only" copying part.
    However, I doubt an image produced under such conditions if of much use and reliability. I think once a disk is corrupted, the most thing you wanna do is probably get your data out of that disk and check if there are physical errors... If yes then it's time for the disk to go.

  4. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    Talking about my own experience, I can successfully create a image and restore under a virtual machine to salvage data of a disk unmontable under windows.

    In this particular case, both acronis or paragon failto create a backup image.

    Clonezilla have several drawbacks, but is pretty useful in some selected circumstances.
  5. oliverjia

    oliverjia MDL Addicted

    Mar 1, 2008
    Thanks for sharing with us your experience. Yes I agree Clonezilla is very powerful. It's my #1 imaging app for my Ubuntu box.

  6. crumpz

    crumpz MDL Novice

    Aug 28, 2010
    New acronis is not my liking

    From where I work we do many backups daily, from clients hard drives.
    We have a station with about 6 large hard drives installed for saving backup images.
    the main thing I don't like about acronis is, that it always try to be "smart" and scan all he harddrives when you want to do
    backup/restore, which is very annoying, if this doesn't bug you, there's more "detecting" to do when you try to open any backup image, and when you choose the destination to restore....

    with Paragon, you don't have all the annoying thing that acronis have. the main difference might be acronis can do multiple backups at once(through scheduling), while paragon will give you a progress bar. other than this everything works the same way. Although with acronis you can click open the image file to review the files, or mount the image(takes longer to do...),
    with paragon, you can only mount the partition from an image, which is well hidden in the software interface lol..I think they should really improve this function....

    And, you can use paragon in your own PE, which is what newest acronis won't let you. You can still include it, but it will reboot your computer after exiting acronis trueimage.

    Paragon is better!!!!
  7. ultimate_live

    ultimate_live MDL Expert

    Mar 15, 2011
    I used Acronis True Image 2014 Premium, but uninstalled it because the program is running unnecessary services. I am using now only the Premium Boot CD, which is doing what I want, making backup of partition C:.
    The only problem I found is that the wireless mouse doesn´t work with the program. Only wireless keyboard.
  8. FCM168

    FCM168 MDL Junior Member

    Mar 27, 2008
    I use Macrium Reflect Free version and it hasn't failed me yet in restoring my images. I have done it three times and the three times a success.

    I would recommend Macrium Reflect Free and if you really want to you can buy a license that will allow you to restore your images to a different PC, haven't tried it myself but it claims it can do it. When I have a little cash to spare I will be buying a license for this product.


  9. acyuta

    acyuta MDL Expert

    Mar 8, 2010
    Maybe you may want to change the ports for mouse/keyboard. I have had no problems in Acronis 2014 boot cd with both wireless keybd/mouse.
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  10. Piet12

    Piet12 MDL Novice

    May 3, 2014
    " Don't no what to say Iv'e never had acronis fail on me and I have used it since it first came out." ...............yes , using it from XP untill now in Win10 , never problems .
    Fast backups ( only using boot-CD for backups and restore !) , installed the program only for Try&Decide-function and making boot-CD............
  11. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    Merry Christmas from Macrium Reflect.
    Please use the Christmas discount coupon code below to purchase between now and 31st of December to purchase Macrium Reflect Home Edition with a 20% discount.
    Just copy/paste this code into the field at the checkout:
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  12. richwood

    richwood MDL Novice

    Nov 16, 2013
    In recent times I've also been using Macrium Reflect and I'm very happy with it. It allows you to boot your backup image files in Hyper-V which is nice.
    Veritas System Recovery (formerly Symantec) was also pretty good when I used that.
  13. vigipirate

    vigipirate MDL Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2011
    neither of them always errors of archives if too long in safeguard or the boot and error bcd me I use the good old dism build of the moment for all the windows meme windows xp and yes? I create an image of deployment either on dvd or usb stick no matter and still managed to find my windows without error I advise you to ban all its manufacturer of backup system software nothing is worth the Image deployement tool
  14. dhruvenjoy

    dhruvenjoy MDL Member

    Nov 27, 2010
    I am using macrium and acronis and both have successfully restored the image.