ADB P.RG E4202N Router Login

Discussion in 'PC Hardware' started by Tanzeel, Sep 10, 2016.

  1. LostED

    LostED SVF Patch Lover

    Jul 30, 2009

    2 routers now??

    nothing to do with your first post
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  2. Tanzeel

    Tanzeel MDL Junior Member

    Jan 24, 2013
    I searched on internet how to update the firmware.
    According to the instructions i pressed and hold the reset button and then powered on the router. The power-on light got red. In the browser i typed A page appeared and asked for the firmware image file.
    I download the firmware openrg-4.8.3.PRGAV_NTS_5.0.0.3503-BCM96368.img and gave its path to the router and waited for 5 minutes.
    After 5 minutes i typed in the browser And router asked me user name and password. Now i can login to the router.

    But the question now is the firmware i have updated with is right or wrong for my router. And also is it the latest firmware for my ADB E4202N router?
    Can some one refer me to the site for ADB firmwares.
  3. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    If its working, its compatible, if it wasn't right it wouldn't have updated/installed.

    As far as ADB support for these routers, I see zero support. They have a new line and all Pirelli Broadband Solutions appear to have been banished to the lower depths of hell somewhere. At least with my hunting. I might not be the best at finding things, but I am far from the worst (at least I think so).

    Good luck with the router, you appear to be set. I would stop while I am ahead and make use of it, the firmware seems to have solved your problem. If something comes up later, we can revisit the issues then.
  4. Tanzeel

    Tanzeel MDL Junior Member

    Jan 24, 2013
    Thanks to all of you for helping me.