Adblocker blokada

Discussion in 'Mobile and Portable' started by ThomasMann, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
  2. ipx

    ipx MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2017
    #2 ipx, Nov 19, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2022
  3. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
  4. hayyas

    hayyas MDL Novice

    Nov 21, 2019
    thats only for preventing not to kill the destroyer
  5. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    Blokada works. It does what it says, it blocks ads.
    The downside is that you can't use a VPN with it.
  6. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    Yeah, I forgot to say that blokada is a good solution for a non-rooted android, but as you said using hosts with a rooted phone is defintely better.

    CHEF-KOCH MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008
    The problem with Android VPN interface is (in my eyes):
    - Battery drainage as hell because the entire traffic gets trough it, which triggers more CPU cycles ... more CPU cycles = that what people call "battery drainage".
    - HOSTS is for just blocking domains enough, if you need "cosmetic" blocking abilities, AdGuard is the best since it works system wide and injects it's method directly into almost all Browsers even if they do not allowing extensions/addons
    - Magisk (systemless HOSTS) is another option, so that way your original file is untouched (of course it needs Magisk installed) the benefit is that some apps can't detect that you're HOSTS is "manipulated", some Android AV still complaining if the HOSTS is been altered/modified

    Domain blocking only:
    - HOSTS via Adaway

    Via VPN (no root):
    - Blokada, benefit is that you can change your DNS server too but drains battery since the vpn needs to run at all time
    - Con: No other VPN tunnel can be created due to Android limitation (only one tunnel is allowed at a time, Android 10 promised to fix that but it's still not fixed)

    Via Browser only:
    - Most Android browser do not allow you to install addons/extensions, however Kiwi Browser (Chromium based) allows uBlock origin

    - AdGuard or on a router based level AdGuard Home (it's better than Pi-Hole and also FOSS)
  8. Purplette

    Purplette MDL Novice

    Dec 6, 2019
    You may as well use Firefox with uBlock0 or a chromium fork called Bromite instead of using a non-reliable VPN blocker (in my opinion ofc)

    Why it isn't reliable ? Because it's not always-on (even with settings enabled to force it)

    Another question you could think : Do you use a VPN to block ads on your computer ? No ? Then why should you on your phone ? :)
  9. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    Blokada isn't a vpn even though it acts like one. It just uses the VPN structure to route all traffic through an ad blocking service so that it works on a non-rooted android phone system-wide. It's the only system-wide solution for a non-rooted android phone that I'm aware of. If you know of any other solution that works system-wide on a non-rooted android please post it.
  10. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    I do not care if it is a VPN, I care that it does NOT stop Ads. That is why I asked
  11. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    It doesn't stop ads where? A lot of apps have them baked in. For instance the youtube app will most likely show you ads no matter what ad blocking solution you use. But if you have an ad blocking solution and you go to youtube with a browser you won't see ads. I'm not trying to push blokada either. If you know something better on a non-rooted phone I'm all ears.
  12. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015

    I asked a simple question: Will this block ads? Answer: No, it will not.
    If you look at your stupid post #5, you will see that you answered the questions wrong.

    I have a minimum of apps on the phone, and that is the way I want it to remain, so blockada is gone again. I belong to these weird ancient people who use a mobile phone, your advice is for the generation display. Those who are used by the phone....
  13. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    What are you babbling about? I answered a simple question: Blokada blocks ads on my phone, so the answer is, yes it does.
    If you look at my post #5, you will see that I said blokada blocks ads. There are only 2 ways to answer that question, yes or no. I said yes because it blocks ads. Would you rather I lie?
    What is a "generation display"? Why should I care how many apps you have on your phone? That has nothing to do with blokada and whether it works or not.
    Everybody is used by their phone. A phone is a tracking device that lets you make phone calls. Do you think I know nothing about security or phones?
    In your original post you ask for info from people who have used blokada and you said it seems to work well. I have experience with it and answered your question. Now you're saying it doesn't work. So which one is it? In the link you provided to xdalabs, in the comments everybody says it works great. But I guess you know more than those stupid people at xdalabs, right? Everybody is stupid except you, right? I've been using AdGuard DNS with blokada. Maybe you still have it on "default dns servers" settings in blokada which essentially makes blokada not work and you never looked in the settings for blokada to change it to something else.
    I've had a bad day today, so I go on MDL and see somebody has called me stupid for some reason that makes no sense. Whatever your problem is, I hope you get help for it.

    CHEF-KOCH MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008
    Maybe his blood pressure is low today :dunno:
  15. sml156

    sml156 MDL Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    The reason I said it seems to work well is because I did not feel like testing any more that what I noticed while browsing on my Phone.

    I could of used wire shark or Man in the Middle myself to see exactly what was making it threw blokada or if blokada was engaging in some questionable request's to some server in china but I did not feel like it, It's open source so I was pretty sure china was getting no info from me.

    So yea " It seems to work well "
    Should I have put a couple hundred thumbs up emojis or dancing clowns to emphasize that it works exactly as it say's on the tin.
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  16. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015

    Once again: I asked a simple question, what app blocks ads? You answered: blokada, I answered: NO, IT DOES NOT.

    What else is there to discuss?
  17. sml156

    sml156 MDL Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Well it's not my fault you can't figure it out It's actually really simple, add the lists you want, add the DNS server you want, then turn it on it's off by default.

    If you downloaded it from the playstore like I said in my original post that Google cripples it you have to get it from the dev site or Fdroid, I would suggest the dev site.
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