Here is an updated version of the script concerning the way to get the os architecture. Spoiler :: ******************************************************************** :: Put the .cmd script and the Windows Update MiniTool in the same :: folder/location i.e. X:\WindowsUpdateControl. :: ******************************************************************* :: This utility enables automatic updates, :: then runs the Windows Update MiniTool, :: and then disables automatic updates :: giving you full control. No more automatic :: update reboots. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Automatically check & get admin rights ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: @echo off CLS ECHO. ECHO ============================= ECHO Running Admin shell ECHO ============================= rem REM Check Privileges chcp 1252 >nul 2>&1 net.exe session >nul 2>&1 || ( REM Get Privileges rem rem ************************************** rem Invoking UAC for Privilege Escalation rem ************************************** ECHO Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs" ECHO UAC.ShellExecute "%~0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs" "%SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe" "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs" %* exit /B ) REM Got Privileges if exist "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs" del /f /q "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs" >nul 2>&1 chcp 850 >nul 2>&1 rem :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::START :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: echo ****************************************** echo This utility enables automatic updates, echo then runs the Windows Update MiniTool, echo and then disables automatic updates echo giving you full control. No more automatic echo update reboots. echo ****************************************** echo Press any key to continue. @echo off pause >nul cls echo *** Enabling Windows Updates *** @echo on sc config wuauserv start= auto net start wuauserv @echo off echo ********************************************************** echo Don't close this window or automatic updates will stay on! echo ********************************************************** REM Check OS for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic cpu get AddressWidth /value') do (set arch=%%a) IF %arch% == 32 (set arch=86) start "Executing WUMT" /wait "%~dp0wumt_x%arch%.exe" -update @cls @echo off echo ******************************************************************* echo Press a key to disable automatic updates (recommended), or echo ctrl-c to exit and leave automatic updates turned on (if you must). echo ******************************************************************* pause > nul @echo on sc config wuauserv start= disabled net stop wuauserv @echo off echo ************************** echo Windows Update Completed. echo Press a key to exit. echo ************************** pause > nul
Anyway to let Windows Defender updates through WMUT and still keep it in notification mode for everything else
Thank you, rpo. Good question. I have three ideas about that: 1) WUMT would have to be modified (is the source code available?). Add code: IF update name contains "defender" automatically install it, ELSE treat all other updates normally. But that would require leaving the windows update service turned on which defeats the purpose of the wumt wrapper script. 2) a script running as a scheduled task that checks for windows defender updates that would download and install them whether the windows update service is turned off or not, and whether wumt is running or not. 3) We all meet up at 1 Redmond Way, storm the building, and force them to make updates completely customizable.
So your scripts in the OP is the most updated? Also a stupid question, do I paste this into notepad and affix a .cmd?
Yes, the OP is the latest. And yes, just paste into notepad and add .cmd to the end of the script name. (Sorry about the confusion, I'll delete the post announcing the previous update to the lastest update.)
@pf100 thanks a lot dude for your very good application, still I believe is one the best applications made here on MDL and congrats for your big effort and dedication with all members
Thank you Tiger-1. I appreciate your kind words, it means a lot to me because people who've never tried it give me crap about it. I wish more people would give it a try to see how well it works. Oh well, I'll just keep improving it and ignore people who try to bring me down.
@pf100 don't worries dude, simply continues developing good and useful applications is what interest who know your job can show for all here simply continue so
When promoting and maintaining any kind of tool in the 'open', you first need to get rid of a too emotional way to look at your own project. It helps to keep the needed distance . Keep an eye on the users that provide info regarding errors and participate with constructive criticism. Then there will ALWAYS! come those, that never read instructions before trying the wildest things, especially if something fails at first for them. Can sing songs from JATD thread, you simply cannot implement enough warnings, if people are unwilling to read and comprehend. And parts of JATD can effectivly nuke a system if handled impropperly.
So does the update service stay disabled after a manual reboot (from start menu)? Or do I have to run the WinUpdates.cmd again after reboot?
You no longer need to close WUMT after an update and manually reboot anymore. The script automatically turns off the windows update service after you click "reboot" from WUMT. In other words, just run the script and if WUMT presents you with an option to reboot after updating, you can now click "reboot" and the update service will be automatically turned back off before reboot. Edit: I was working on a friend's computer the other day and her metered wifi connection become un-metered when I updated the wifi driver from windows update, so metered connections can't be trusted no matter what all the gurus are telling me.
Yep. Wifi metering turned itself off. I couldn't believe it. And this friend is on a bandwidth limited satellite internet connection (lives out in the middle of nowhere). One of the the first things I checked when I started working on her computer was that metering was turned on. The reason I was working on her computer was that the wifi kept disconnecting and the latest driver fixed it. When I was all done, just before I left, I checked that metering was still on and Windows 10 had turned it off! I turned it back on, but who knows when it'll turn itself off again?
Installing a new driver will most likely cause a settings reset connected to that driver . I would always check the settings afterwards. My Ethernet is set to metered (by altering ,TI owned Reg value) and wasn't touched by the system for a while now.
That makes sense of why metering turned itself off, and thanks for that, but it's still just another reason I don't trust Windows Update settings. If you turn metering on it should stay on, but under the conditions of installing a new network driver, ethernet or wifi, it doesn't. So the metering setting can't be trusted. If I find out that the windows update service turns itself on by itself, and I've heard stories but no one has given me a specific situation where it does, then I will incorporate the windows update blocker service into the script. So far that hasn't been necessary. If it ever becomes necessary I have permission of the author of the service to incorporate it. I will continue to work to make the update service fully manual under any circumstances. Now, if you'll excuse me I have some serious gaming to do that won't be interrupted by windows searching for updates...
So far my setting at least survived two cumulative updates, let's wait what Creators Update will bring.