How do I make all languages in one variable ... example I did so - for %% i in (ar-SA, bg-BG, cs-CZ, da-DK, de-DE, el-GR, en-GB, en-US, es-ES, es-MX, et-EE, fi-FI, fr-CA, fr-FR, he-IL, hr-HR, hu-HU, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, lt-LT, lv-LV, nb- NO, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt- BR, pt-PT, ro-RO, ru-RU, sk-SK, sl-SI, sr-Latn-RS, sv-SE, th-TH, tr-TR, uk-UA, zh-CN, zh- TW) of the set LANGUAGE = %% i
Code: set "langs=ar-SA, bg-BG, cs-CZ, da-DK, de-DE, el-GR, en-GB, en-US, es-ES, es-MX, et-EE, fi-FI, fr-CA, fr-FR, he-IL, hr-HR, hu-HU, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, lt-LT, lv-LV, nb- NO, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro-RO, ru-RU, sk-SK, sl-SI, sr-Latn-RS, sv-SE, th-TH, tr-TR, uk-UA, zh-CN, zh-TW" for %%i in (%lang%) do ... what are you trying to do exactly?
good abbod, i want it in an offline image, it recognizes, which language is, for example "ar-SA, bg-BG, cs-CZ, da-DK, de-DE and others, with a variable, called" language " and not putting "set language = air-SA / set language1 = bg-BG / set language2 = cs-CZ and so on .... Taking a hook, I also want to know how I can set index for everyone with "*" of an offline image and also vary from 1-2 / 2-3, so an example here, I don't want to keep putting "index: 1" index: 2 and yes I want him to recognize, "index: *" for everyone and "index: 1-2" recognize varying and not like that ... (for / f "tokens = 1" %% i in ('dism \ dism.exe / english / get-wiminfo / wimfile: "% WIM%" / index: 1 ^ | find / i "Default"') from the set DEFAULTLANGUAGE = %% i)
set "lang=ar-SA, bg-BG, cs-CZ, da-DK, de-DE, el-GR, en-GB, en-US, es-ES, es-MX, et-EE, fi-FI, fr-CA, fr-FR, he-IL, hr-HR, hu-HU, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, lt-LT, lv-LV, nb- NO, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro-RO, ru-RU, sk-SK, sl-SI, sr-Latn-RS, sv-SE, th-TH, tr-TR, uk-UA, zh-CN, zh-TW" for %%i in (%lang%) do ( Hello abbodi, here it worked, it loops, identifying the desired language, it also shows all languages, listing those that are in the variable, how do I identify the language that exists or will identify how many languages exist in the image, hiding the rest of the languages in the screen?
[QUOTE = "Bira, post: 1576221, membro: 945387"] set "lang = ar-SA, bg-BG, cs-CZ, da-DK, de-DE, el-GR, en-GB, en-US , es-ES, es-MX, et-EE, fi-FI, fr-CA, fr-FR, he-IL, h-HR, hu-HU, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, lt -LT, lv-LV, nb- NO, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro-RO, ru-RU, sk-SK, sl-SI, sr-Latn-RS, sv -SE, th-TH, tr-TR, uk-UA, zh-CN, zh-TW " para %% i em (% lang%) do ( Olá abbodi, aqui funcionou, faz loop, identificando o idioma desejado, também mostra todos os idiomas, listando aqueles que estão na variável, como identifico o idioma que existe ou identificamos quantos idiomas existem na imagem, ocultando o outros idiomas na tela? [/ QUOTE] Não ! Quero que ele reconheça que o idioma que está na imagem montada é um idioma ou mais, por esta variável "% LANG%", sem que eu precise, defina idioma = en-BR / defina idioma1 = en-US e sim apenas como esse conjunto lang = pt-br, usando este loop que está lá, mas isso eu já resolvi, quero que quando ele reconhecer o idioma, ele só escreva na tela o idioma que está na imagem, e não toda a variável como está na imagem, como eu faço?
No! I want him to recognize that the language that is in the mounted image is a language or more, by this variable "% LANG%", without me needing, set language = en-BR / set language1 = en-US and yes only as this set lang = pt-br, using this loop that is there, but that I already solved, I want that when he recognizes the language, he only write on the screen the language that is in the image, and not the whole variable as it is in the image, as I do? To exclude the ones that are already, as well as those of the %DVDDIR%, to install the ones of my origin pt-BR
In the script you see that I am doing some tests, installing several languages, and to uninstall the one from %DVD%\boot\es, and all its "ES-ES" content, I put this loop "for %%i in (%lang%) of (, below echo, because it recognized all languages, see that it only appears %G, because the loop is below this echo, how do I recognize the language, so WinPE, only the language? that exists?
integrate arabic language into windows 10 ltsc 2019 using w10mui_mini cmd my log is attached any something wrong?
I am not sure why the command fail try to set the default lang manually edit the script and change this line Code: set DEFAULTLANGUAGE= add en-us or ar-sa Code: set DEFAULTLANGUAGE=ar-sa
Hello aboodi all right? How would I like to download one or more languages? echo %Line% echo.########## LINGUAGEM A SER INTEGRADA DO W.%tag% ########## echo %Line% if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w7" ( echo. echo. Arabic - Saudi Arabia [ar-SA] Dutch - The Netherlands [nl-NL] echo. Bulgarian - Bulgaria [bg-BG] Polish - Poland [pl-PL] echo. Czech - Czech Republic [cs-CZ] Portuguese - Brazil [pt-BR] echo. Danish - Denmark [da-DK] Portuguese - Portugal [pt-PT] echo. German - Germany [de-DE] Romanian - Romania [ro-RO] echo. English - United States [en-US] Russian - Russia [ru-RU] echo. Estonian - Estonia [et-EE] Serbian - Serbia [sr-Latn-CS] echo. Greek - Greece [el-GR] Swedish - Sweden [sv-SE] echo. Spanish - Spain [es-ES] Slovak - Slovakia [sk-SK] echo. Finnish - Finland [fi-FI] Slovenian - Slovenia [sl-SI] echo. French - France [fr-FR] Thai - Thailand [th-TH] echo. Hebrew - israel [he-IL] Turkish - Turkey [tr-TR] echo. Hungarian - Hungary [hu-HU] Ukrainian - Ukraine [uk-UA] echo. Croatian - Croatia [hr-HR] Chinese - Hong Kong SAR [zh-HK] echo. Italian - Italy [it-IT] Chinese - Simplified [zh-CN] echo. Japanese - Japan [ja-JP] echo. Korean - Korea [ko-KR] echo. Latvian - Latvia [lv-LV] echo. Lithuanian - Lithuania [lt-LT] echo. Norwegian - Norway [nb-NO] ) if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w81" ( echo. echo. Arabic - Saudi Arabia [ar-SA] Dutch - The Netherlands [nl-NL] echo. Bulgarian - Bulgaria [bg-BG] Polish - Poland [pl-PL] echo. Czech - Czech Republic [cs-CZ] Portuguese - Brazil [pt-BR] echo. Danish - Denmark [da-DK] Portuguese - Portugal [pt-PT] echo. German - Germany [de-DE] Romanian - Romania [ro-RO] echo. English - United Kingdom [en-GB] Russian - Russia [ru-RU] echo. English - United States [en-US] Serbian - Serbia [sr-Latn-CS] echo. Estonian - Estonia [et-EE] Slovak - Slovakia [sk-SK] echo. Greek - Greece [el-GR] Slovenian - Slovenia [sl-SI] echo. Finnish - Finland [fi-FI] Swedish - Sweden [sv-SE] echo. French - France [fr-FR] Thai - Thailand [th-TH] echo. Hebrew - israel [he-IL] Turkish - Turkey [tr-TR] echo. Hungarian - Hungary [hu-HU] Ukrainian - Ukraine [uk-UA] echo. Croatian - Croatia [hr-HR] Chinese - Hong Kong SAR [zh-HK] echo. Italian - Italy [it-IT] Chinese - Simplified [zh-CN] echo. Japanese - Japan [ja-JP] Chinese - Taiwan [zh-TW] echo. Korean - Korea [ko-KR] echo. Latvian - Latvia [lv-LV] echo. Lithuanian - Lithuania [lt-LT] echo. Norwegian - Norway [nb-NO] ) if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w10" ( echo. echo. Arabic - Saudi Arabia [ar-SA] Latvian - Latvia [lv-LV] echo. Bulgarian - Bulgaria [bg-BG] Lithuanian - Lithuania [lt-LT] echo. Czech - Czech Republic [cs-CZ] Norwegian - Norway [nb-NO] echo. Danish - Denmark [da-DK] Dutch - The Netherlands [nl-NL] echo. German - Germany [de-DE] Polish - Poland [pl-PL] echo. Estonian - Estonia [et-EE] Portuguese - Brazil [pt-BR] echo. English - United Kingdom [en-GB] Portuguese - Portugal [pt-PT] echo. Greek - Greece [el-GR] Romanian - Romania [ro-RO] echo. English - United States [en-US] Russian - Russia [ru-RU] echo. Spanish - Mexico [es-MX] Serbian - Serbia [sr-Latn-RS] echo. Spanish - Spain [es-ES] Slovak - Slovakia [sk-SK] echo. Finnish - Finland [fi-FI] Swedish - Sweden [sv-SE] echo. French - Canada [fr-CA] Slovenian - Slovenia [sl-SI] echo. French - France [fr-FR] Thai - Thailand [th-TH] echo. Hebrew - israel [he-IL] Turkish - Turkey [tr-TR] echo. Hungarian - Hungary [hu-HU] Ukrainian - Ukraine [uk-UA] echo. Croatian - Croatia [hr-HR] Chinese - Simplified [zh-CN] echo. Italian - Italy [it-IT] Chinese - Hong Kong SAR [zh-HK] echo. Japanese - Japan [ja-JP] Chinese - Taiwan [zh-TW] echo. Korean - Korea [ko-KR] ) echo. echo.=============================================================================== set /p Language=Digite o codigo do idioma sem aspas '[' ']' = cls echo %line% echo.########## Pre-download de LangPack ########## echo %line% echo. echo. type ".\Arquivo\LangPacks\LangPacks7_All.txt" | find /i "%archwim%" | find /i "%Language%" > ".\Arquivo\LangPacks\%SelectedSourceOS%\7601_%archwim%_ %Language%.txt" echo %line1% echo Download do "Langpack %Language% = W.%Tag%", aguarde ... echo %line1% echo. FOR /F "eol=; tokens=1,2*" %%i in (.\Arquivo\LangPacks\%SelectedSourceOS%\7601_%archwim%_%Language%.txt) do if not exist "%Langs%\%%i" "%Wget%" -q -- show-progress --no-hsts --no-check-certificate -O "%%i" "%%j" echo. if exist ".\*%Language%.exe" %Move% ".\*%Language%.exe" ".\Arquivo\LangPacks\%SelectedSourceOS%" >nul 2>&1 %Delete% ".\Arquivo\LangPacks\%SelectedSourceOS%\*.txt" >nul 2>&1
Enthusiast regardless of how many, I'm here doing some tests, for example I want to or integrate one or more of a two three and so on, ticking and then downloading
But I want to know exactly how to download one or more languages that I will integrate so I want to see if it recognizes itself after downloading all languages when the script continues, understand? only tests!