i had already the same as above except VdeleteSource=1 VdeleteSource=1 is this command who leave it with only Education?
[WARNING] Ignoring extended attributes of 1 files (use --unix-data mode to extract these) "ISODIR/sources/boot.wim" original size: 408451 KiB Using LZX compression with 4 threads Archiving file data: 1073 MiB of 1073 MiB (100%) done "ISODIR/sources/boot.wim" optimized size: 402596 KiB Space saved: 5854 KiB how important is this warning?
@abbodi1406 Need W11MUI to add language packs to Windows 11 distribution. The W10UI doesn't support the new languages added in windows 11. which doesn't have such a file "Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package*10.*.mum" (Windows 11 22000 have 43 languages and Windows 10 21H1 only has 38 languages) exp: Code: ============================================================ Prepare work directories ============================================================ ============================================================ Detect language packs details ============================================================ ============================================================ ERROR: microsoft-windows-client-languagepack-package_ca-es-amd64-ca-es.esd is not a valid Windows 10 LangPack ============================================================ Press any Key to Exit.
Code: Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~10.0.22000.1.mum -- those are LIP, not standalone LP
@abbodi1406 So if releases W11MUI, the logic should changed to: if there's no "Microsoft-Windows-Common-Foundation-Package*10.*.mum" inside the "microsoft-windows-client-languagepack-package_ca-es-amd64-ca-es.esd", not report the error, But check the "microsoft-windows-client-languagepack-package_en-us-amd64-en-us.esd" or "base system language is en-us" instead.
hi @abbodi1406 it seems that when adding font support thereafter the script stuck on there. more over when I processing updates with psf files the mi are not supported them. can you solve that problems. when the script stucks I didn't see some kind of ms. when going to next action.
What's the error message says? you can convert psf update to full update PSFX v2 Repack also, make sure to download the latest W10UI and extract it in Updates folder W10UI
@abbodi1406 first after adding some of fonts the W10MUI script stucks there. next when updating with windows images because your win 10 mui on dism folder has not make any changes with support of psf file extracting along with w10 mui scripts. so you need to support them right now. I will do the scrnrecord with that later to show where the problem is.