Only listed FODs are supported, not all yes, each parent FOD neutral is checked for existence before adding FOD LP not true, all FOD packages are visible
(Sorry for my bad english) Please, can someone make a video or a gif explaining how to create a Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC pt-BR ISO (from 26100.1.240331-1435.ge_release_CLIENT_ENTERPRISES_OEM_x64FRE_en-us.iso), using "26100.1.240331-1435.ge_release_amd64fre_CLIENT_LOF_PACKAGES_OEM.iso" language pack?
There's a readme.txt, you'll find all needed instructions there. Read it instead of destroying your attention span with videos all the time.
I've already read that, but I need more details. For example, I don't know if the ISOs I mentioned are up to date, what are the differences between language packs, ondemand packs and updates files. I need more information about the W10UI.ini settings. Where do I put the source ISO and language pack ISO? Do I have to extract both ISOs? If so, where do I put those folders? I'm asking these questions because there is no other tutorial on the internet.
What does this have to do with the adding of Language files, if you want it to be uptodate then add the updates and LATEST w10ui to the updates folder, as mentioned in the readme. Also mentioned in its readme, but you can simply ignore the ini when using the w10Ui script in the W10MUI scenario. Source ISO next to the script, language pack ISO is not used, read the readme and/or the txt files inside the "Languages" folder and the "Ondemands" folder. The script will extract the source ISO, the only ISO used in this script.
What are these update files? There is no "readme" inside the Updates folder specifying these files and where I should get them. Inside the folders there is "26100-LPs" and "26100-OnDemand" readme files containing links, but the ISO version is 26100.1 (Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 24H2 OEM). Can I use the links from 26100 readme files?
@abbodi1406 Is it possible to only add the WinPE files? Becaues the script always ask me for a cab/esd file in the Langs folder. Here is also an updated "aria2_uupdump" script that counts the download links and the downloaded files. Code: @echo off :: Limit the download speed, example: 1M, 500K "0 = unlimited" set "_l=0" set "_work=%~dp0" Set "CountLinks=0" Set "CountFiles=0" setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion pushd "!_work!" set _e=0 if exist "aria2c.exe" set _e=1 for %%i in (aria2c.exe) do @if not "%%~$PATH:i"=="" set _e=1 if %_e%==0 echo.&echo Error: aria2c.exe is not detected&echo.&popd&pause&exit /b if not exist "aria2_links.txt" echo.&echo Error: aria2_links.txt is not found&echo.&popd&pause&exit /b echo. echo Downloading... for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('findstr /i /c:"getfile\.php" aria2_links.txt') do ( set "_u=%%A" for /f "tokens=3 delims==" %%# in ("%%~A") do set "_f=%%#" call :DoD ) echo. echo Finished. For %%f in (*.cab) do Set /a "CountFiles+=1" For /f "tokens=*" %%c in ('Dir /b "%~dp0" 2^>NUL ^| FindStr /i /c:"basic-zh-tw-package-x86\.cab" /c:"basic-zh-hk-package-x86\.cab" /c:"fonts-hant-package-x86\.cab"') do Set /a "CountLinks=%CountLinks%-1" For /f "tokens=*" %%c in ('Dir /b "%~dp0" 2^>NUL ^| FindStr /i /c:"basic-zh-tw-package-amd64\.cab" /c:"basic-zh-hk-package-amd64\.cab" /c:"fonts-hant-package-amd64\.cab"') do Set /a "CountLinks=%CountLinks%-1" ECHO Download Links = %CountLinks% ECHO Downloaded Files = %CountFiles% ECHO. echo.&echo Press any key to exit.&popd&pause >nul&exit /b :DoD ping -n 3 localhost >nul && aria2c.exe --async-dns=false --enable-http-keep-alive=false --conditional-get=true --file-allocation=none -x16 -s16 -c -R --max-overall-download-limit=%_l% -d . -o "%_f%" "%_u%" If ErrorLevel 0 Set /a "CountLinks=%CountLinks%+1" goto :eof
Making an Italian W11 LTSC ISO. Italian LP files taken from: Code: 26100.1.240331-1435.ge_release_amd64fre_CLIENT_LOF_PACKAGES_OEM.iso Integrated them with W10MUI. Main OS image added all needed packages. Some of the WinPE packages were skipped and I added them manually. Here is the list of the skipped .cab files: Code: in boot.wim, index 1 and 2 Code: in Winre.wim (index 1 only) I know they were skipped because en-US packages were installed for these but there were no it-IT packages with the same names (other packages after integrating the it-IT LPs have both en-US and it-IT version installed). Speaking of WinPE language packs: in the LP iso, on the same level of the WinPE it-it folder, there is a that is much bigger than the file with the almost identical name inside the it-it folder, because it probably contains some Italian synth voice, but I don't know. Is it managed by W10MUI? Is it necessary to install it? What's his purpose? EDIT: I'm answering myself about the WinPE-Speech-TTS packages. For a full language translation (example it-IT) you need: - this is a core package for the TTS functionality in WinPE, it probably contains the TTS engine and also contain the en-US voice (so it doesn't exist a; - this contains the it-IT voice without engine, and it depends on the WinPE-Speech-TTS package to work; - this is needed to translate the GUI text elements related to TTS. This exist in the variant. The package name differs from the voice packages only for the _[underscore] after tts instead of the -[minus] (if you don't considers the capital letters, as Windows is case-insensitive).
The script only support predefined known list of packages, which are require to localize setup it doesn't support or add any of those WinPE acks, even if exist
How to remove en-US source language after Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2024 integrates other languages with W10MUI, only single language
Assuming that: - your language is ja-JP - you already integrated ja-JP LPs into the Win11 DVD located in C:\DVDwork - the install.wim image has been loaded in C:\mount11 just copy-paste the following in an administrative command prompt (not Powershell): Code: dism /Image:C:\mount11 /Remove-Package ^ /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~10.0.26100.1 ^ /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Speech-en-us-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.26100.1 ^ /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-TextToSpeech-en-us-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.26100.1 ^ /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-OCR-en-us-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.26100.1 ^ /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Handwriting-en-us-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.26100.1 ^ /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Basic-en-us-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.26100.1 dism /Image:C:\mount11 /Set-AllIntl:ja-JP dism /Image:C:\mount11 /Set-SKUIntlDefaults:ja-JP dism /Image:C:\mount11 /Gen-LangINI /Distribution:C:\DVDwork dism /Image:C:\mount11 /Set-SetupUILang:ja-JP /Distribution:C:\DVDwork echo ok This is only for the main OS. If you want to remove en-US also from Winre.wim (the Windows integrated recovery) and/or from boot.wim (setup and recovery from DVD) let me know.