Adobe CS5 trial downloads

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by sangalaviral, Apr 30, 2010.

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  1. TassieToo

    TassieToo MDL Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    #321 TassieToo, Jul 7, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Nope, no luck at all. What you posted on the previous page looks like it should work, but I think it needs the rest of the values. i.e. for deploymentFile=, overrideFile=, etc. Any idea what they should be?

    Also, I'm trying to do it from the DVD and that may not work!

    CD H:\Software Installs\Adobe CS5 Master Collection\Adobe CS5
    Set-up.exe --mode=silent --deploymentFile="" --overrideFile="" --installSourcePath="" --action=""
  2. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
    #322 sam3971, Jul 7, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I am not sure because that is what the adobe site said to paste. I am going to try to use the AAMEE tool to make an MSI of CS5 and maybe then it will work but as of rite now I could not open the MSI so I have to redownload CS5 Trail from adobe lol
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  3. TassieToo

    TassieToo MDL Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    #323 TassieToo, Jul 7, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  4. TassieToo

    TassieToo MDL Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    Close, but no cigar. Thought I'd followed the info from my above link perfectly. Put all files on desktop etc. Still got an error ... Exit Code: 26 - Media swap required to continue installation, cannot proceed. This means another disk is required to continue with the installation. Hmmm! As far as I can see all files are there. Oh well, will keep trying.
  5. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
    I really don't know about the silent crap but I do know that it might be supressed if you login to your adobe account for CS Life even though it says "serial is invalid" just ignore that and you should be good. I don't want to say that it fully works though yet because I need more time to test it.
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  6. TassieToo

    TassieToo MDL Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    Afraid that didn't work for me. Popped up again several days later!
  7. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
    Did you login when you first installed the program or did you press "Skip?" That might be why.
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  8. TassieToo

    TassieToo MDL Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    I logged in when I first installed.

    Have just downloaded the trial of Flash CS5 and made an installer with AAMEE. Works perfectly. Just wish I could get the Master Collection to do the same!
  9. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
    How were you able to deploy the .msi version of Flash CS5?
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  10. TassieToo

    TassieToo MDL Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    #330 TassieToo, Jul 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2010
    I'm running Server 2008 R2. Made a TS install package.

    UPDATE: a friend installed as a trial and therefore their Adobe ID was valid. Added the serial later and said it's been fine. Maybe worth a shot.
  11. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
    If you can do that with Flash CS5 then how come you cannot download the trial version of MC and do the same thing. I am really not sure how to make those. I mean I can but when i tried to deploy it to test it, it told me to run it in silent mode and IDK how to do that lol
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  12. armada

    armada MDL Addicted

    Dec 8, 2007
    12.0.1 updates if anyone has not checked yet... mine updated fine with the hosts files modded..
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  13. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
    Hey guys, boy do I have a treat for you guys! I managed to make a custom version of Adobe CS5 Master Collection that does not have the annoying registration popups in the program. I used AAMEE to create it. I will upload it but it is a 4 GB file so it will take some time lol. I hope you guys like it. BTW you will have to remove the current version prior to installing this one. I hope you guys enjoy it. I also got the approval from Daz to post it here. If anyone else has any problems with my post plz let me know and I will take it down. Thanks -Sam3971
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  14. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
    #334 sam3971, Jul 14, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
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  15. armada

    armada MDL Addicted

    Dec 8, 2007
    i have not got that pop up since maybe the first couple days i ran the program?? i have not seen it since
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  16. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
    Well I guess it affects everyone differently for some reason. I have tried several downloads and each one did the same thing where just randomally it will ask you to login, that is why I created this for everyone dude. It is just a network deployable version that runs silently. It actually disables the registration module completely lol
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  17. blitzkrieg

    blitzkrieg MDL Novice

    Jan 18, 2010
    Hey i wz wondering if u could post the settings u used to create this .msi file usin AAME...since most of us hv the MC wud b much faster to recreate it thn dwnld 4gigs again esp. on a slow bb connection like i have....thnx in advance !
  18. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
    You must have the trial version of MC to do this. Install and run AAMEE, then link the installer path, the destination, then then the package you want to use, ex x32 or x64. Then input the serial and hit next. Then have everything checked except "Disable AAM" or Disable Adobe Update" then hit create.
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  19. blitzkrieg

    blitzkrieg MDL Novice

    Jan 18, 2010
    Hmmm....most of us on MDL dumpd the ESD cz it wz incomplete....hd few gigs of xtraa stuff missing frm it.....besides by trial version wt exactly do u mean...n wt is the logic behind nt being able to use the retail edition DVD isos fr this purpose.....jst cz its in 2isos or is it smthin im i wud really appreciate ny guidance on being able to utilize the retail files fr this purpose....infact im actually gonna use ure technique on the retail copy n post bk here in 24hrs with wt i mngd :p
  20. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
    Well I did add some stuff from the retail version in this version. For some reason I could not seem to get AAMEE to make the .msi from the 2 disk dvd. IDK if you can do it or not but the version that you can download from adobe works just fine with this.
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