I used exactly ure settings on my retail copy....the deployment guide had this written....thght it might b of some help " Copying from multiple DVDs To copy the contents of multiple DVDs to your product install folder: 1. Mount or insert Disk 1, and copy the contents to your product install folder. For example, <AbsolutePath>/MCSuiteBuild/Adobe CS5 Master Collection/. 2. Mount or insert Disk 2, and copy the contents of the payloads/ folder to the payloads/ folder in your product install folder. For example, <AbsolutePath>/MCSuiteBuild/Adobe CS5 Master Collection/payloads/. When asked if you want to overwrite files and folders, click “Yes to all”. "
No this does not come with Acrobat 9 pro. You will have to download that separately. I would honestly apply the host patch before the install but you can do it afterwards just make sure you do it before you launch a program or it will validate and say invalid serial.
Sam, dude, thanks for your hard work. Got a question for you. I've downloaded Acrobat 9 (both pro and pro extended) like half a dozen times and each time I get an invalid serial message. I've tried the "patched" dll file which fails. I've used the modified host file which fails. I've since given up and gone back version 8 which is rock-solid. I know your MC suite doesn't include Acrobat but will the serial/host file for this suite work for Acrobat 9? Thanks again, dude.
The host blocker will work but you need a different serial. At what point does it say "Invalid Serial?" During the install or when you open acrobat? If it is during the install then you simply need a different serial. If it is infact telling you when you open acrobat it is most likely because of the hosts file somehow. PM me what the crack you use also ok.
No particular crack. The modified dll file gives an immediate error message and the serial will become invalid after opening the program a couple of times. I was using the version 9.2.3 from wzor. Now that I've got your version I'll see if the host file works with acrobat or not. Cheers, mate. Oh, my host file has the following lines: activate.adobe.com practivate.adobe.com ereg.adobe.com activate.wip3.adobe.com wip3.adobe.com 3dns-3.adobe.com 3dns-2.adobe.com adobe-dns.adobe.com adobe-dns-2.adobe.com adobe-dns-3.adobe.com ereg.wip3.adobe.com activate-sea.adobe.com activate-sjc0.adobe.com wwis-dubc1-vip60.adobe.com pagead2.googlesyndication.com adobeereg.com adobe.activate.com
I have noticed that there is one entry that I have that you don't dude. It is: hl2rcv.adobe.com I have also PMed you more info. It was about instructions and whatnot.
Do u explain me how did you activate it? I downloaded cs5 master collection and read all of this thread. But, there is still something secret for me. Please, send me PM included tools and explanations. I will be very grateful. Thanks...
Yeah I wouldnt mind as well - (the torrent links for the training videos) as it all seems a bit daunting to me
Can you pm me the link for the hosts exe/rar that was on dropbox as well as I only have 2 posts so can only pm staff Thanks for your help
Guys, there really is no activation needed with this. Just install it, use the host block tool, then open the program. You can find a host block script earlier in this thread.
Perfect Method To Silent Install Master Collection CS5 Heyy ppl iv jst discovered exact method of silent installation + disable registration The AAME tool had one drawbk...it cant b used off an iso file as a media location error comes up if u do so. Using this method all u hv to do is run Setup.bat as admin Here's wt iv done : 1) Merge disk 1 & 2 by copying the payloads folder of disk2 n merging with disk1....say replace all fr existing files 2) I used foll. structure in my iso file Root -> Adobe CS5 ---> deploy -----> application.xml.override (create) -----> install-en_GB.xml -----> install-en_US.xml -----> uninstall-en_GB.xml -----> uninstall-en_US.xml ---> packages ---> payloads ---> resources ---> Set-up.exe -> Setup.bat (create) The following are the contents of Setup.bat " @echo off pushd "%~dp0" cd Adobe CS5 Set-up.exe --mode=silent --deploymentFile="%~dp0\Adobe CS5\deploy\install-en_US.xml" --overrideFile="%~dp0\Adobe CS5\deploy\application.xml.override" PAUSE EXIT " The following are the contents of application.xml.override " <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Configuration><Payload adobeCode="{Product_Code}"> <Data key="Serial" protected="0">12341234123412341234</Data> <Data key="Registration">Suppress</Data><Data key="EULADelay">-1</Data> </Payload> </Configuration> " Note : -> Replace Product_Code with your product's code: -> Navigate to <Installation source folder>\payloads. -> Open setup.xml in Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac OS). -> Locate the <mediaSignature> tag. -> Copy the alphanumeric product code between <mediaSignature> and </mediaSignature> -> Paste the copied code into the {Product_Code} value in the application.xml.override file. Example: <Configuration><Payload adobeCode="{DE60F0DE-469A-42DC- A678-978313210057}">. -> Replace 123412341234123412341234 with your serial number.
Here are some direct download links. You still have to sign in to adobe. Speeds are much faster then using Akamai. Please give me Adobe CS5 Design Standard, CS5 Web Standard, Technical Communication Suite 2.5 Disc 2 And Photoshop CS5 Standard download link. I am 100% sure about the existance of link beacuse I know the link regarding CS3 and CS4.
Just go to adobe.com to get them if you want then to be direct. The reason I have links is because it is a custom .msi version that was made from AAMEE that does not have the annoying registration popups in it.