I can see i was missing the point here a bit and i only need to use ATM when installing a fresh copy not when restoring a system image all good now
@ Josh Cell Sorry - maybe noob's question, but : why product key (W7 home premium) in manager don't match with key on sticker on my netbook ? Thanks.
The Activation Backed up Sir Josh Cell, Many Thanks, Today (2012-11-05) I successfully restored my windows activation at 18:40:26 with the help of your Advanced Token Manager v3.5BETA 1. I do not find any guide or how to use the software to restore activation backup etc., However, with trial and error I somehow managed the situation as may be evident as per enclosed ATM Log. But, sir, my question is how can I save the activation data for my future use? I may be excused for asking the question. Please be kind enough to reply in the thread. Mohitkumrsen
This version of the Advanced Tokens Manager creates this directory after the backup on the root of the application: You can simply save it with the executable on a safe storage and restore when you need. Personally I recommend the use of Cloud storage, encrypting your data in a compressed archive, and you won't have any problem.
At first Thanks for the good work and the nice programms you make Maby a noob question ? I used ATM v 3.5 BETA3 to make a backup for Windows 8 Pro-WMC. When ATM final is out, can I use the ATM final to put the backup(from ATM v3.5 BETA3) back ? Or is it better to wait first for the ATM final and then make a new backup ?
I'll change the config.ini structure on the v3.5 BETA 4. But you can make a new backup with this new version again without any problem.
Many Thanks you Sir, Josh Cell. I confirm that there is a Folder named "Windows Activation Backup" which contains (i) config.ini (166 bytes)(ii) data.dat (28.7 KB) (iii) token.dat (6.44 MB). I made the above-named folder to .RAR and kept in an External HDD. On future requirement what should I do? Pl. Sir. Mohit kumar sen
The same for the Windows. On Office will be other config.ini. The Office 2013 support is being hard tested and I'll keep this thread with the latest informations.
I have a question, I want to know if drivers informations are captured when activation process is launch, or when backup with ATM is launch. If I do backup with ATM just after windows 8 + wmc install (no drivers), I could restore with ATM just after windows 8 + wmc install (no drivers) ?
By the way, I've completed all the coding structure for Office 2013 on Windows 8 and previous. But I'm having some problems with KMS Activations as the MTK. I'm discussing some ideas with the CODYQX4 for implement correctly the backup of the Office 2013. I haven't the sure, but If it was solved quickly, also will be released quickly.
Looks like that is really cool.. But if the license files has been restored in other OS edition, you can't activate the Windows 8 again (Give SLUI Errors..)? I'll look into it... BTW: I've sent an PM to you with some conclusions about the Office 2013 problem on non Windows 8 systems.........
Ok.. I've flawless fixed the support for Office 2013 on non Windows 8 Systems. I'm making some hard tests to have the sure to be functional on all compatible products. The tests also includes Real Machines. I'll try to release the fully tested version on this week still. Thanks for waiting.