Hm two checkboxes? why not just one, if you click it you get your Input box popup and press ok, uncheck it, re-checking it will re-popup the window but the last Key should have been saved, so it's not actually annoying if you accidently de-select
Ok, I'm working on the v1.8 beta, doing all the necessary tests so that there are problems; At the moment I'm not getting the key to decrypt the DigitalProductID stored in registry for Office; Correct methods, plus the key does not appear correctly; I'll work on it.
v1.8 Released. - Updated GUI - Improved database - Added Segoe UI Font - Improved silent commands - Improved dynamic functions - Improved serial decryption - Reduced code-exceptions on the runs - Added Serial Activation for office systems - Added Serial Changer for Windows and Office - Added architeture tokens sign for office x64 - Added Serial backup and instalation for Office - Added MAK and return-code detection for fail on decryption - Other internal improvements
Sir i want to know if my laptop preinstall with win7 starter, then i use your app to backup activation. then i make new format. and install win7 h.premium. but for restore, i change the key to oem h.premium key, it's posisible. thanks
Have you thought about combining your two utilities And the only thing I found in your app was content might be better understandable if divided by two lines Hence Please close office before you attempt backup! Are you sure you wish to backup now? Also with W7 are sure you need to do reboot upon restore? I used PMR W7 backup/restore tool but don't remember having to restart 4400 reps OMG Never thought I'd see Daz in
Hmm, improving on the next version Reboot is really necessary, I think I'll put it as obligatory in the case of W7