Advanced Tokens Manager - The Activation Backup Solution

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by Josh Cell, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. HJSC

    HJSC MDL Novice

    Jul 6, 2011
    Ok. and thanks for the warning.
    So I can make a backup of Windows 8 x64 and restore in W8 x86? wow

    Josh, I need to update the drivers before backing up/restoring or not needed? I do not quite understand this part. :eek:
  2. Josh Cell

    Josh Cell MDL Developer

    Jan 8, 2011
    Yes, you can restore in both architectures.

    You only need to install the same drivers from the backup on the restore for increase the success rate, but it isn't really needed, only for safe purposes.
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  3. Josh Cell

    Josh Cell MDL Developer

    Jan 8, 2011
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  4. HJSC

    HJSC MDL Novice

    Jul 6, 2011
    no, no, I thank you. your answers helped me a lot! thank you all! ^^

    "compile it again"... as if that were really solving the problem hehe. although it is sometimes the only option available/possible to the programmer/developer lol :D
  5. Josh Cell

    Josh Cell MDL Developer

    Jan 8, 2011
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  6. HJSC

    HJSC MDL Novice

    Jul 6, 2011
    it had a bug on it? :eek:
    To me it seems perfect... :biggrin:
  7. Josh Cell

    Josh Cell MDL Developer

    Jan 8, 2011
    But you can restore backups on wrong products, this update only will solve it. Isn't a problem if you're restoring on the correct edition.
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  8. HJSC

    HJSC MDL Novice

    Jul 6, 2011
    I see...
    Well, if it is to improve even more the ATM, who am I to complain?! xD
    We just have to thank you for the awesome tool =D

    ah.. I'm finishing installing windows 8 on the second hard drive, so I soon be able to check if the backup works on another hd. :animatedwink:
  9. c3po

    c3po MDL Junior Member

    Feb 12, 2009
    Great tool. But I've noticed that I must use same version of ATM used for backup. RC does not recognize Backup made with Beta...
  10. KevinNash

    KevinNash MDL Junior Member

    Sep 3, 2008
  11. dragosXX7

    dragosXX7 MDL Novice

    Dec 1, 2012
    @Josh// Hi Josh, first I'll give you my thanks for helping us!!! You're the best!

    I only have one question, I'll ask you if I'm doing well with the windows 8 back up. I followed these steps:

    1.Installed windows 8 Pro x64 in a partition called BOOTCAMP on an iMac.
    2.I didn't install any program, any driver and I didn't make any change to the hardware.(I only installed a clean copy of windows)
    3.activated windows 8 with a kms server for 180 days
    4.then I wdisconnected my internet connection and went to "add new features to windows 8" and introduced the WMC key that Microsoft gave me mac restarted and my w8 pro became w8 pro with WMC, connected internet and w8 was activated full.
    6.downloaded the latest version of ATM (v.3.5 RC2) and made a backup of the activation. I put the backup on an USB.
    7.then I reinstalled w8 pro. I followed the same steps as the step 1-5 it turned to w8 pro with WMC
    8. then i ran the ATM a clicked to restore backup.
    9.My backup was restored and windows 8 was full activated.
    I'm asking this: are these steps correct???

    P.D.:if an error occurs what do I have to do??? (I mean if in the log text appears that the product key is invalid or doesn't match).If I have to enter the key manually how can I do it???
    That's wha I mean:

    From the LOG
    [ 21:01:40 ] Disabling the Network connections
    [ 21:01:41 ] Success
    [ 21:01:41 ] Starting the Software Protection Platform Service
    [ 21:01:41 ] Writing the Product Key
    [ 21:01:42 ] Fails
    [ 21:01:42 ] Stopping Software Protection Platform Service
    [ 21:02:13 ] Restoring the Activation Files
    [ 21:02:13 ] Success
    [ 21:02:13 ] Starting the Software Protection Platform Service
    [ 21:02:47 ] Rebuilding the Activation System
    [ 21:02:48 ] Checking the restored activation files integrity
    [ 21:02:48 ] Activation files integrity doesn't match
    [ 21:02:48 ] Critical error when restoring: [ Activation files restore error ] / [ Invalid Product Key ].
    [ 21:02:50 ] Enabling the Network connections
    [ 21:02:50 ] Success
    Thank you again for your help!!
  12. Josh Cell

    Josh Cell MDL Developer

    Jan 8, 2011
    #1314 Josh Cell, Dec 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    At first, see if your key on the config.ini was really correct.

    If yes: You need of install the PRO-WMC Untouched copy for do it. You can't restore on a Windows 8 Pro or Windows 8 Pro with WMC by Anytime Upgrade.

    From the first post:

    * For Upgrade Activations, is needed the installation of a Retail copy of the Operating System. In other words, you will get problems restoring an upgrade activation on a Volume License copy.
    You need to install the Windows 8 Pro WMC instead of the PRO, even if it's converted to WMC.
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  13. dragosXX7

    dragosXX7 MDL Novice

    Dec 1, 2012
    At first, see if your key on the config.ini was really correct.

    If yes: You need of install the PRO-WMC Untouched copy for do it. You can't restore on a Windows 8 Pro or Windows 8 Pro with WMC by Anytime Upgrade.

    From the first post:


    * For Upgrade Activations, is needed the installation of a Retail copy of the Operating System. In other words, you will get problems restoring an upgrade activation on a Volume License copy.

    You need to install the Windows 8 Pro WMC instead of the PRO, even if it's converted to WMC.


    @Josh Cell// But how do I get the Windows 8 Pro WMC??? Can't introduce the WMC key in the Windows 8 Reitail copy???
  14. Josh Cell

    Josh Cell MDL Developer

    Jan 8, 2011
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  15. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    #1317 CODYQX4, Dec 1, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2019
  16. Josh Cell

    Josh Cell MDL Developer

    Jan 8, 2011
    The cleanest way always is install the operating system as freshly possible for really have success on the restore.
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  17. dragosXX7

    dragosXX7 MDL Novice

    Dec 1, 2012
    Thank you so much!!!!:worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy:
  18. Josh Cell

    Josh Cell MDL Developer

    Jan 8, 2011
    Sorry for the delay on the update, but the v3.5 RC 3 will be released soon..

    I'm very busy with some projects, and the setup of a new server for my website in the first moment.
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