I have no time to work hard around my applications, so I am doing work as I can when the time is over. Please stay tunned around this thread. My first look for this application is re-code it for solve all these issues with the Windows 8 and other known bugs. I am working to discover ways to get the activation backup and the app working as well inside the Windows 8.1. I am testing as I can, but this issue maybe can be solved doing the backup of these two known files around the 2.0 folder (tokens / data.dat)... I have the sure about the activation migration fail from 8.0 to 8.1. The 8.1 really has changes around their activation storing engine. Soon.
I had windows 8 + office 2013 first. Then I made an update to 8.1, manually copied spp folder, then clean install of 8.1 and copied back spp. Office 2013 is activated but windows not. Any thoughts ? With 8.0 and Advanced Tokens Manager I had it working after clean install but now with 8.1 I had to do it manually. Edit: only change was that on 8.0 Hdd was on mbr and now with 8.1 I made the install with uefi. That may be the reason why windows is not activated but office yes ?
I think it is a little more than just moving the folder with data.dat that Microsoft had done. I remember in windows 8 you could just restore the SPP folder in safe mode type a command and boot into normal mode and you were activated. With Wndows 8.1 i don't think the above is longer possible once you restore the data.dat and any other files in the SPP folder and change key to match this it's still uncultivated on next boot and needs phone / online activation to activate. Even when making a ProWMC iso and changing the data.dat it's not like it used to be with just taking your upgrade key to install with and being activated when hitting the desktop. There is more going on that just that simple data.dat file and key having to match here. Good luck with the project Josh look forward to its release if it is possible. Good things come to those who wait folks. Show your support rather than asking when it's going to be ready and show some encouragement. It's not like he is getting paid for this.
I really can not talk about since I don't have the RTM version of the 8.1 for test here (Not in MSDN)... I will take some time to download the leaked version, but I think a bit more about this 2.0 folder at the SPP dir....
What! You mean you did not go absolutely frickin' nuts like the rest of us and already install it multiple times on everything you could get your hands on? What kind of MDL member do you think you are, anyway?
Hey numpty.. Josh is a busy developer with many applications on the go.. Just wait like the rest of us!
All the members / developers of the MDL Forums has no ought to work for others (not only members, but all over the web). Until now, we are open to help when is possible ... I can work for you if you pay for it (I am a full time software developer / no much time to work inside other things!!!)..... All these stuff is powered for free at no cost for any people...
And I, like many of other MDL users, will be always grateful to you. Your programs and support are priceless.
Me too and really many other members here feel like what Mister X said here: We all appreciate your time and effort. I fully understand your situation as I'm too work as a freelancer (but as a translator not a developer ) and my time is my treasure, but as I offered before, I would like to help MDL forums and members with my time and my efforts
Hey, I notice my reply was deleted. Can you guys seriously not see that it was a joke? I too appreciate all the hard work people do here. I am not in any way suggesting you should drop everything to work on something for me.
I would guess timing was bad. With umpteen hundred "WTF" posts from new people that never seen a search option, and 1000 other people posting just ridiculous questions and what I see as nothing more than demands from MDL to feed answers and downloads to them on a silver platter, tends to get to everyone eventually. It isn't so much that a joke cannot be taken, but rather the joke has been going on since the leaks and many are probably a little edgy from it all. Bad timing, tired nerves and people who will be gone in two shakes of a flies tail once they have what they want. We (those who are actually here and regular) share in taking a toll along with everyone else. Add language barriers and whatever, it all just adds up. Normally a joke would be seen as a joke, but I believe we (regulars) need to recognize the stress for those of us trying to keep things moving can cause issues that normally wouldn't be an issue. This is my opinion and thats all there is to that lol, bad timing and whatnot yeah
Yeah, probably bad timing on my part. It was my own frayed nerves and frustration with all the 'WTF' single-post wonders 'turkish iso plz' etc. that prompted me to post that in the first place, I thought it was actually hilarious that here on MDL is a guy actually admitting he didn't download anything yet! We are all still on the same page here. It occurs to me today, maybe somebody should have pre-emptively created a few threads such as 'post your KMS activation requests here' and 'request wzor leaks here!' - maybe that would have siphoned some of it off, and more experienced members would know to avoid those threads. Maybe a good idea for the next round.
I can see his point of view, as a developer he would prefer to wait until it is officially released on MSDN rather that using a leaked version.