Hi, I have the same motherboard as this member (MSI G31M3-F (MS - 7528)) & read that you have already modded the BIOS. Being an almost complete novice, I'm not sure of what commands to use when running AFUDOS utility in DOS from my bootable usb drive. Please could you advise the syntax? Atlernatively, is it better &/or easier to use the AFUWIN GUI utility instead & if so, what options should I check before running it? Sorry for the noob questions but I'd rather ask before attampting this than after when an error may have occurred. Many thanks in anticipation.
MSI G31M3 - F (MS 7528) SLIC 2.1 BIOS MOD Thanks for you post & the correct commad syntax - it worked like a charm. Your help is very much appreciated. I feel rather stupid as it was so simple, but I wasn't certain & had to check first. Thank you very much!