Rename it from W7235IMS.1B0 to SLICMOD.1B0 so it is different from the original UnModified Bios file from MSI. Then use the command: AWFL865.EXE SLICMOD.1B0 Or just use the command (if you don't want to rename it): AWFL865.EXE W7235IMS.1B0 You can name them anything you want as long as it is 8 Cahracters before the period and 3 characters after the period. (ex. 12345678.ABC)
After using the command AWDFLASH.EXE IVY514.BIN with A USB Pen Drive, I'm recieving the following message: "Invalid Windows Licence". How to work around with this. Maybe a command switch? Or Do I need a new .bin file?