Manufacturer: Asus Model: ASUS P5G41-M LE Bios Type: AMI Bios Revision: 0506 Bios link: http :// dlsvr04 . asus . com / pub / ASUS / mb / socket775 / P5G41-M_LE / P5G41-M-LE-0506 .zip (remove spaces)post link limit SLIC: ASUS 2.1 SLP: ASUS Cert: ASUS Modded with AMI SLIC Mod 1.61 Mod method: SSV3/MMTool Modified Bios: Asus (Cert Included) http :// www . sendspace . com / file / sdvz1i (remove spaces)post link limit ADDON: for Snow OSX 10.6.3+ on your PC |insanelymac original post is here|: http :// www . insanelymac . com /forum/index.php?showtopic=226257&pid=1576776&mode=threaded&start=#entry1576776 (remove spaces)post link limit (use with Asus for instruction) http :/ /www . sendspace . com / file / jzm7uh (remove spaces)post link limit Flash from DOS with Included Flash Utility. Tested BOTH OK.
I've searched for this for hours, and attempted it twice myself! I need SLP and SLIC added please DELL. (Might require "Insert SLP string in IBM region" and/or "SSV3/Shrink 1B" and/or MMTOOL??) -Manufacturer: ASUS -Motherboard Model: M4A785-M -Bios revision: 0906 -Bios Type: AMI -Bios Mod Request: DELL 2.1 and DELL SLP 1.0 -Bios Download Link: