This didn't work, the AWDFlash that is bundle with it, v8.94 couldn't detect the flash type. I got AWDFlash v8.29, which did work and detects the flash type as: SST 25VF040B 4Mb SPI. The first time I flashed it kept the SLIC verison to 2.0. I attempted to re-flash it with awdflash xxx.bin /cc/cd/cp/py/R. This time I completely lost the SLIC Version and Table. I tried to flash the BIOS back to the original HP version but the SLIC table is still gone. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
Worked perfectly... Although I still had to use AwdFlash v8.29 H117 to flash it. (Just FYI) Thanks Again!!
Thanks for the Feedback. How about uploading the EXACT Version of Awdflash you used so others will have access to it.