Cannot Access Network Access Message: Access Restricted This is the page I get everytime I try to click a link. Why is it treating me this way?
When I click download link I get Network Access Message: Access Restricted PAGE is file unavailable or I can't get thru it?
what's the certificate file for? I tried to download HOWTO file about certificates from the first post but get the same Network Access Message: Access Restricted message
U have SLIC, then u need a corresponding digital certificate ~ thats it!! Plus an oem:slp key = Ur Windows is oem like activated!!
So, I flash bios file... and then? certificate file is included in package... what should I do with it? Is there some HOWTO thread so I can spare you from noob questions
Manage to flash SLIC bios and manage to install win7 but network HW MAC adress is FF FF FF FF FF FF and strangely, when I boot into Linux my MAC address shows normally. So I go again to awdflash and notice at the bottom of the screen where says NV HWaddr FFFFFFF and under that stays something like... "this bios is not for nforce3 chipset only" how can it be solved? Previously I had 2.1 bios for my MoBo which is tha latest update from MSI Could it be SLIC-ed ?