All SLICs 2.x (Modded Bios List) - Note: For requests use 'Bios Mod Requests' section

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by Yen, Jul 29, 2009.

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  1. AdamBomB

    AdamBomB MDL Novice

    Aug 3, 2009
    GA-P55A-UD4P rev. 1

    Hello , I need this bios mod but the links are dead . Do you possibly archive this stuff or should I post a new request ? I'm also not sure whether this MOD is for rev 1 or rev 2 of if it even matters . I def have rev . 1 Thank you ..
  2. TooCoolToRule

    TooCoolToRule MDL Novice

    Jul 30, 2011
    The links for 'Gigabyte_GA-P35-DS3R_(Rev_1.0_2.0_2.1)_F13_Gigabyte_SLIC_2.1_SSV3.rar' are down. Please can someone re-upload this.
  3. newjoking

    newjoking MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2011
    Dear Serg008,

    I finally found where the key point was and have solved it just now.

    I found out that the upgrade was in fact succeed, but the bios's display driver could not work, so screen was keeping blank after the upgrade.
    CMOS was reset, and the HARDDISK SATA MODE was reset to ACHI too, while, my windows XP is working at a IDE mode, and surely could be booted at a ACHI mode.
    No screen, no beep and no OS vioce too, and so I mistook it as a bios upgrade failure.

    Fortunately, I found something different when I PRESSING F2 KEY to POWER ON.
    My Harddisk led just flashed once or twice, and later kept off.
    It seems like I had entered the bios normal setting mode.


    I succeed to set the bios to multi-boot mode just by my memory, and made tries pressing F12 and DOWN key to boot from my U stick, and finally booted up an DOS operation and it's autoexec.bat to automatically flash an official bios of VER. 2.01. My AS4750G Notebook is working well now.

    I am sure that I upgraded from the modded bios of VER. 2.01 (POST #7793) from official of 1.23 for my AS4750G,and still don't know what the really matter is, although I recovery my bios.
  4. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  5. virgo17

    virgo17 MDL Novice

    May 20, 2010
    For mr-smith:

    I might be getting this motherboard from Scan next week. I am uncertain as to whether it has been replaced with the P8P67 Rev3.1 - I know it has to do with the USB3 control chip.

    If I get V3.0, I'll flash as per serg008's link and post the result.
  6. Milone

    Milone MDL Novice

    Jul 31, 2011
    I am planning on flashing my HP (Asus) IPIBL-LB BIOS (AMI) and found the latest version (5.43) mod on this thread, and it was confirmed to work by a couple people. I already have flashed the 5.43 (un-modded) BIOS from HP.

    I tried modifying it myself using AMITool (SSV3 + MMTool) and it said successful, however I have not tried flashing BIOS with it.

    My question is... I compared the modded BIOS I got from this thread, which was also modded by NoJuan999 using SSV3 + MMTool, with my own modified BIOS and out of curiosity compared the two using WinDiff and DiffVue Hex Comparison. The two modded BIOS were different and I guess I am curious as to why? I modified the original BIOS from HP twice, once using AMITool 1.32 and again using 1.61, and comparison showed they were identical. But when comparing to the modded BIOS from this thread, they are different. I'm not questioning the BIOS from this thread... I guess I am more interested in knowing what the difference is so in the future I would feel more comfortable modifying other BIOS myself rather than seeking out a mod on the web.

    Any ideas? Is there a different modding utility I should be using? The modded BIOS from this thread is for CPC, which is what I need according to Everest Ultimate. Is it possible the HP info that comes with AMITool are not CPC? MPC maybe?
  7. bp1

    bp1 MDL Member

    May 11, 2009
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  8. bandolier.wz

    bandolier.wz MDL BIOS/EFI Modifier

    Nov 4, 2007
  9. Milone

    Milone MDL Novice

    Jul 31, 2011
    I just flashed with the modded BIOS from NoJuan999. I planned on using that one anyway because it was confirmed to work, and I'm sure he is more knowledgeable about modding it than I am. The flash worked great. I used AFUWIN (yes, from Windows) because that is what the update from HP uses and personally have never had problems flashing from Windows (with as much turned off as possible). I only updated the main BIOS image, leaving the boot block alone because from what I understand that was the safer move. So the only options I selected were main BIOS image and clear CMOS checksum if that helps anybody with this board/BIOS. I had already flashed to the 5.43 version anyway so did not expect the modded 5.43 to change a whole lot. The mod from NoJuan999 I found here:

    The 5.43 I modded with AMITool is here:

    If anyone can tell me the difference, or if it is probable that either one would have worked, that'd be great. I have a few other computers I would like to try modding myself if I know that I am doing it correctly. Thanks...
  10. NoJuan999

    NoJuan999 Experienced SLIC Tool Operator

    Jul 31, 2009
    #7860 NoJuan999, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017