Could someone re-upload this modded bios? I am working on my Brother's computer and would like to use this bios to replace Vista with Win7 once I confirm it's going to work(the computer as a whole, not the bios)
To be able to post links or images your post count must be 20 or greater. You currently have 1 posts. Please remove links from your message, then you will be able to submit your post. to do?!
Serg008, the link for your "Biostar TF7050-M2_N68PM725_Dell21_ISA.rar (Certificate included)" is not working. Getting a "Sorry, the file you requested is not available". Can you please update link?
Sorry, it's for "Biostar TF7050-M2_N68PM725_Dell21_ISA.rar (Certificate included)" is not working. Updated original post.