The SendSpace link not working . Can you upload Mediafire? File Size: 1.88MB "The file is not currently available. Our support staff have been notified and we hope to resolve the problem shortly. Please try again later." been three-day's Thanks
The SendSpace link not working . Can you upload Mediafire? File Size: 1.88MB "The file is not currently available. Our support staff have been notified and we hope to resolve the problem shortly. Please try again later." been three-day's Thanks
Acer M1610 Thank you Serg008, You help me fix my Mom's Used PC . It works great!. I loaded Windows 7 on it. The old one got dropped off @ the recycling depot. Thank you
Is there any chance this slic update can be re-uploaded? I appear to have the same Motherboard/Bios despite my pc being a Pavilion a6130n. I can't seem to find the file anywhere else and it was never added to the list that I could see. I would really appreciate it.
I have HP Proliant DL360 G7. there is no OS yet. It's slic enabled on it, or not? What OEM Key for HP I must use to offline activate? I dont find any key for HP...
Hi I see it was uploaded a bios mod for GA-H55M-S2 motherboard. Unfortunately the link is broken. Could someone please send it to me or upload it again It would be a great help for me Thanks
Would be happy, if someone can support me with modded bios for: Manufacturer: Fujitsu-Siemens Motherboard Model: AMILO Pa 1538 Bios revision: 1.1D Bios Type: Phoenix (?) Bios Download Link: h t t p : / / w w w . a m i l o - f o r u m . d e / d o w n l o a d / f i l e . p h p ? i d = 1 7 6 2 Thx!