Hi, Sorry to be a pain, i have been having a mare with this model (Samsung 510) of laptop, after days of no sleep it appears that the temp. sensor on the cpu is fried, resulting in no version of windows will load, i did notice that while running umbuntu install it reports my laptop is on fire... evidential not, as it was on my lap! Umbuntu gives the option to install with ACPI=off... is there a way to fiddle in the BIOS, in a way that only you lot can, to have an option to turn off checking or to just ignore it completely? i'm currently using the version that you supplied above many thanks for that one also... without the ability to actually load windows ... Samsungs windows update bios software is as much use as tits on a nun!... I eagerly await your reply
Request for Dell Inspiron 537 Humbly request mod for Dell Inspiron 537 BIOS version A03. -Manufacturer: Dell -Motherboard Model: Inspiron 537 -Bios revision: A03 -Bios Type: American Megatrend -Bios Download Link: h**p://w*w.dell.c*m/support/drivers/us/en/19/Product/inspiron-537# -RW Everything Report Download Link: View attachment 20655 Thank you!
The link to the modified bios for the Asus Maximus V Formula isn't working, it's just a "captcha" loop and I can't get it to DL on any system I try... can somone repost this bios to a different host? thanks in advance Original post is here (not sure if it will work since I can't post links... remove the spaces in the H T T P) h t t p://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/7500-All-Slics-2-1-(Modded-Bios-List)-Note-For-requests-use-Bios-Mod-Requests-section?p=708621&viewfull=1#post708621
This would not work for me. I even cleared the CMOS after flash. I tried both methods. When I tried EZFLASH I would get the wrong installed memory and a bluescreen saying I had a bad configuration. When I used AWDFLASH It would boot but would not activate.