-Motherboard Manufacturer and Model: ASUS P5B-MX -Bios Revision: P5B-MX BIOS 0704 -Bios Link: I would appreciate you very much, you can not attach a link.
Any working links for this? I've been asked to do some updates on a dinosaur... Had to remove links from quoted post due to my low post count...
Hi! Please, reload file ASUS_A8N-E_1013_ASUS_SLP_SLIC_2.1_ISA.rar a new, because: "Sorry, the file you requested is not available."
Unfortunately, having followed the link - "...sendspace.com/file/wnnp62" -, I received the message: "Sorry, the file you requested is not available. This file has been deleted and it cannot be restored. Please contact the sender and ask them to upload the file again." What do I do not so?