My goodness, I was looking for some messy way to extract the BIOS file, mod it and re-create the file and it was easier than I thought! Thanks!
can someone please confirm if a bios mod for this motherboard has been made which im sure it has . have searched here but not getting the hit required . mobob is an asus p5v-vm dh . if it hasnt been made then i'll make the post with all requirements as per rules . thanks
Здравствуйте, ссылка почему-то не работает. Не могли бы вы куда-то перезалить вашу работу? Спасибо) Guys, link dead. Can somebody share that again? Sorry, it was my DNS problem. Downloaded and reupload to solidfiles dot com/v/X2ve42WyARAWW original + slic BIOS
just tried to update bios using awdfash v 7.93 and it tells me unknown flash . the error message is . it is not award bios . tried it with the two bios files included in the download 1002slic.bin and 1002.bin . help required . thanks