Electric Current from Galaxy 3C303's Jet: Number Discrepancy I realize this is an old thread, but I would really appreciate it if you could clarify something for me. Your post is one of the earliest I can find on the internet that mentions 1018 amps is equivalent to a trillion bolts of lightning. The link at the bottom of your post, to the New Scientist article, is the earliest I can find. (I assume you were quoting that article.) I can't quote the link in my post because I'm a new user here, but it's newscientist dot com/article/mg21028174.900-universes-highest-electric-current-found.html. But from what I can tell online, the current in an average bolt of lightning is 20,000 amps. Some sources say 30,000, and the highest recorded have been around 200,000. If we use 20,000 as the average amperage per bolt, then 1018 divided by 20,000 equals FIFTY trillion. That would indicate the electric current from galaxy 3C303's jet is fifty times stronger than what the New Scientist article reported. Even if we say 200,000 amps is the average per bolt, that means this jet is the equivalent FIVE trillion bolts. Many online articles that followed the New Scientist one use the "one trillion" figure though. So did they all just copy an erroneous number, or do I really suck at math? Thank you!
You are correct, they are off by 50x .What would be more interesting is how they even determined the current from this distance!
hello brother i am searching for different fact can you describe that what happend when we do meditaion?
The same thing that happens when you take a nap! But I think you are expecting the supernatural bs answer!
Heres maybe not amazing but surely fact, i been traveling most of my life from one country to other living in some few months others years. this maybe interesting to people with for example skin issues. i have eczma not bad one but my hands were always dry had to use lotions, when i arrived to Dom Rep been there for about 2 years, my almost everyday lunch was made of rice salads some cooked chicken, pineaple, bananas mangoes and fish i was catching often myself. was drinking water from water well nothing added to it. was breathing clean air even never was thinking about it and lived just as locals live there. after maybe three month there once i woke up in the middle of the night and was scratching my body till morning skin was really itchy. in the morning everything went away i was thinking of bed bugs or something, thing is that i didn't change bed and never again had any such issues. over the days i saw how my skin was changing. my hands no lotion used became soft as if i got completely new skin on my body not even one bit of dry skin anywhere. so skin and many other conditions arent really caused by docs often say genes or eggs or liver whatever but rather food you eat, water you drink and air you breathe but docs media politicians dont want people to know that so they prescribe lotions and such.