AMI bios option ROM modding [old title: Intel ICH9R rom]

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by Maf, Nov 24, 2007.

  1. chenxuwen

    chenxuwen MDL Novice

    Jul 8, 2008
    In my opinon, don't use 8.7x on a raid. It's not stable. was very stable for a few months. I started using this morning. So we'll see how stable is that.
  2. Lectoid

    Lectoid MDL Novice

    Nov 19, 2009
    I updated my rom with the and will flash it when I get home. I currently have 3 drives in there, two of which are in RAID 0. If I flash, what are the odds I'll still be able to read that data.

    I'm just curious because obviously I'll have to restore the data on the drives since I would be creating a RAID 5 array.

    I'll report back tomorrow if I get time to flash. I know a few other places on the net that have asked this question.
  3. SoLoR

    SoLoR MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2008
    probably you wont have issues, at least i didnt have them and i have raid0 as well and updating this option roms to every new version...
  4. Lectoid

    Lectoid MDL Novice

    Nov 19, 2009
    Well I flashed it now I just get two long beeps from the computer, no picture.
  5. SoLoR

    SoLoR MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2008
    then you most likely did something wrong. Replacing option roms should in worst case cause ICH not geting recognised... hope that some bios recovery procedure is working...
  6. SoLoR

    SoLoR MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2008
    hm... it seems its some special bios... i tought they are using normal asus bioses, however when i opened with amibcp i saw, lost of options is missing and its specific HP bios. They might locked out raid5 and other options. Maybe if you can find original asus bios for that mobo and then force flash it, you will get other options as well.
  7. SoLoR

    SoLoR MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2008
    they are VERY different imo :) most notable difference is 1x pcie x1 slot vs 2x pcie x2 slot and 2x pci vs 1x pci... dunno if someone already flashed that and confirmed it is working, then i guess you can try ;)
  8. Lectoid

    Lectoid MDL Novice

    Nov 19, 2009
    Well my board is dead. I talked to HP (level 2 support even) and they said I have to send it in. I did some reading about that and it sounds like they'll just reflash it using the headers on the mobo, so I likely won't get in trouble for trying to mod it. Next to those headers it says "ROM RECOVERY". HP wouldn't tell me about it, and any number of jumper combinations wouldn't do anything but restart the computer every 10 seconds.

    Beeps twice when I boot, and doesn't even try to access the usb floppy I have. I did burn my original bios to a CD, named "AMIBOOT.ROM". PC did access the cd a bit, but then gave me 3 long beeps.

    Guess I'll just send it in and stop messing with it. I wanted raid 5, just didn't want to have to use an add in card.

    Didn't mean to take over this thread, but it seemed kind of dead when I got here.
  9. Lectoid

    Lectoid MDL Novice

    Nov 19, 2009
    Thanks for that great info. Unfortunately my header pinout is different. There are 8 pins with the 4th one missing. If I can find the pinout they used, I can use an ohm meter and figure out which ones I need to use.

    HP is sending a box 2nd day, so I imagine I could have it fixed by the time I get all the stuff around to re-flash my board.

    I'll keep looking because it's interesting.
  10. SoLoR

    SoLoR MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2008
    ye well, last time i bricked my mobo i sended it to RMA before i found this SPI flash method so i didnt have time to try it yet. However if/when you make your self something like this, then you dont have anymore fear about bricking your mobo with corrupted bios :)
  11. SoLoR

    SoLoR MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2008
    Intel option rom v9.5.0.1037 in attachment, however it does not work for me with ich9r (same as .1021 version "hardware unsupported"), so dont even bother with it unless you have P55 mobo. Got it in some asrock mobo.
  12. Lectoid

    Lectoid MDL Novice

    Nov 19, 2009
    Thanks for all the help, but I gave up.

    I built the LPT to SPI cable like on that website. I went to college for computers and electronics, so I have a suitcase full of components and cables. Built the cable and triple verified the pins were right all the way back to the bios.

    The program would return a chip ID as 000000h. Unconnected would return FFFFFFh, so I know it was somewhat working. But no amount of messing around could get me beyond that. I worked on it for about a total of 4 hours, reading threads and replies for peoples suggestions.

    So I'll just send it in. Though I am tempted to try it again. Maybe I'll wait until my warranty is up and if I kill the board I'll just buy one that does what I need it to.
  13. SoLoR

    SoLoR MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2008
    hehe :D i actualy dont care about killing it as well, because im so tempted to try this method :) btw where you using SPIPGM2 or SPIPGM ? i think SPIPGM2 was the way to do with "slow" method and dunno i know people had that issue you where having. Oh well, its was worth to try :)
  14. Lectoid

    Lectoid MDL Novice

    Nov 19, 2009
    SPIPGM2 was mainly for people with SST chips. I used that one at first but also tried SPIPGM.

    When I get my new board back, I might try the cable again just to see if it was the chip. If I can't get a read off of the board, I don't think I'll pursue it any further.

    It's ok though, I'm sending my PC back with a dead HD of the same make and model, so maybe I'll get a freebe out of this.
  15. Anybody999

    Anybody999 MDL Novice

    Jul 12, 2008
  16. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    Get "Intel(R) RAID for SATA ROM" from "EFI BIOS"

    I was wondering, if there is a way to pull Intel(R) RAID for SATA ROM from EFI BIOS?
    Do newer ROMs work with newer chips only?
    I seemed to recall, ROM for ICH8 worked just fine with ICH7 chip... :)