Just for the record: I did it and it worked! But I reverted back to the good old 0638, since there seems to be a diference in the audio chip. P5B-E Plus is revision A, the P5B-Dlx is revision B. So, no audio. My main reason was that the P5B bios I had, was DSDT patched for the Mac OS X. I was thinking. The SMBIOS module is the ACPI tables? Can I just replace the one in mine with the patched P5B-Dlx?
I have a Asus Maximus 2 Formula BIOS I've heavily modified if anyone is interested in helping me test it BIOS Info: Version: Based on Official 2202 Updated Intel Option ROM to v9.5.0.1021 (its the largest, theoretically should offer best component compatibility) Changed P6 table to Rampage Formula 1001 table Changed memory table to Rampage Formula 1001 table Updated Marvell Option ROM to v1.1.0.L73 If anyone is interested in trying this BIOS drop me a PM or post in this thread.
Hi, tormento: I can't uncompress your files. Your files seem to be corrupted. The p5q_deluxe_2301_ich10r_9.6.0_1014__80xx_6.60.2.3_61xx_1.1.0_l73_sli__dell_2.1_.7z I have downloaded is 1151KB instead of 1178KB. Would you re-upload? Thanks.
7zip does not work. But winrar works. I guess it is in RAR formoat though it has .7z extension. Thanks.
Haven't checked the file, but you may be using an old version of 7-zip. Try 7-zip 9.14 (its in beta), and see if that helps.
good new for JMB363 firmware 1.08.01 .. i have an HPM enclosure with 4 * disks inside and : before firmware/option rom detect only one disk after a little good new , firmware/option rom detect 2 * disks and i can mount in RAID0 or 1 or JBOD but only with firmware after with winxp XRaid cannot detect Raid !! for future perfect if can detect the 4 disks !! and XRaid detect Raid Pierre
for JMB363 1.07.17 extracted M4A89GTD-PRO-ASUS download bios :hxxp://xyz.mediafire.com/?zkrwdmjm5om only 197B-2363_v1.07.17 hxxp://rapidshare.com/files/400200868/197B-2363_v1.07.17_raid.rar.html 2 * version 1.06.59 & 1.07.06 GigaByte version use CTRL G not CTRL J , interessant if you have 2 JMIcron 363 cards hxxp://rapidshare.com/files/400202003/GMB363.rar.html change xx or xyz by the good value !! ( sorry i have not 20 posts for reply full link ) Pierre
Pierre, in the M4A89GTD-PRO-ASUS-1503 Beta BIOS you mention, there's only a JMB361 v1.07.20 ROM, not a JMB363 v1.07.17. Can I ask you from where the last one come from ? TIA
Marvel 9123 Controller/p6x58d premium hi, i found this link in lastest post with this name NEW_B10CK5_20100521.rar Inside rar there's an update for marvel 88se91xx controller called 9123- I have this controller in my Asus p6x58d premium, some of you have test this update with this motherboad ? Thanks a lot. m4tr1x
Hi everybody. Just to signal InTL RaiD Option Rom works perfectly with P5Q Premium 2001 Bios.
Thanx for the Updated Option ROMs genuineintel. I had one question, how do you know if the ROMs will work with your motherboard? I have DFI UT P35-T2R motherboard and want to upgrade the Intel_RAID_for_SATA from 7.5 up to 9.6, I'm wondering if there is a guide to know if i mod my own bios file, would it work?
How can I find / identify the latest PCI Option Roms? P.S.: I know, that they are here in this thread, but I want to hunt them down by myself. Edit: I guess, you just find it out by accident. Intel for example has release notes, but ASUS? You can only find out, what O-ROM-version a BIOS has by watching the POST-screen or reading release notes?
* new 88SE91xx firmware in ASUS P7P55D-E ( Version 1207 ) version wyz.station-drivers.com/page/asus/asus%20p7p55d-e.htm 1 have found 3 same firmware !! also E6 part is also for 88SE91xx port ( autoloader + ... ) Pierre