Actually i doubt that it's chipset-specific, more like socket/platform specific. Sizing module inside has some DDR2 part-num strings of some DDR2 vendors inside - i think mostly for compatibility issues found with them. They are few and can be decoded via search p/n strings at end of 15 module against google. If you have dual-bios then try testing it if memory compatibility issues observed (wrond timings set compared agains SPD) or some memtest failures or else.
Well at the end of the module is path of compilation and it says eaglelake. Im not saying they cant/wont work with other chipsets as well, im just saying it wouldnt play with memory/cpu modules if everything works... its fastest way of bricking your mobo, do something that will prevent detection of CPU/memory or corrupt 1B module, ive did this once before, trying to "fix" things that didnt need to be fixed and ended up of not having my main PC for a month and a half since i needed to send mobo back to Asus Also that memory sizing module is on my motherboard created from 2 seperate modules, 2nd one suppose to be the one your posted as "only" one, so they are some differences that i dont want to play with them unless something wouldnt work
You're right about "eaglelake" string but it's only a PDB (Program Database Files) symbols path. When compiling some code with debug symbols - they're generated as .pdb file. It's actually a bad style to leave a debug symbols (/debug linker opt) in public/released project. However "bearlake" folder found on 15 modules of x48 - it just can mean the place of generation of debug info (i doubt they use it at all - just a batch file dummy debug compilation) anyway bad style to compile/link to debug-only internal releases. Speaking about 15 module - it's MS PE file format which is quite simple to identify. Code there 32bit.Don't know why PE was chosen and when it's executed. If it's pre-boot then why OS dependent (PE) container... strange. I guess it's just compilation purpose sake. MS compilers compiled the sizing code to 32bit PE. While EZ flash 2 modules are MS MZ 16bit modules. The second 15 module that can be found on some bioses seems contain raw data not sig found. It's not often found nearby the basic 15 module. And that PE is places in EBB (extended boot block) - the only placed here (other possible 15 module) placed as the rest modules. I can guess that second 15 module has unknown purpose (maybe some alternate way or smth. hardcoded) cuz it's not found on majority of bioses when PE module found everytime on s775 fam. So I can guess that this debug information about debug symbols placement can be just ignored. The code should be the same (at least first functions are exactly the same and can only vary on level of optimization compiler provide) Speaking about your spoiled 1b module of BIOS - read threads here how to fix all and every sort of problems BIOS damage can cause. The hardest way - is to replace and flash you damaged BIOS on ANY bios-compatible MoBo 1MB/2MB bioses on other MoBo why booted to DOS. It's rather easy if BIOS socket replaceable (unsocketable flash BIOS module). I mean it, you can fix AMI bios on any AMI board (1M/2M bios should be the cause to think). afudos / amiflash don't care the BIOS and MoBo compatibility if Engineering Edition used with /n key. FYI Replacing and flashing BIOSes on working machine techniques.
It was totaly broken back then... it stoped detecting CPU... i was first guinea pig for adding SLI certificate in to DSDT table and something got wrong i had no choice but sending mobo back since bios chip is not easly removable, i sadly learned about SPI flash method like a week later or i would try that method back then...
Asus P5E with Intel ssd x25 Hi, i really need some help with this. I have an Asus P5E motherboard and i bought an Intel SSD x25 of 80GB, when I choose the option of AHCI in the SATA configuration menu and after the save & exit thw computer wont pass the POST, it just simply stays freeze in a line like this Auto-detecting device Porti 1 and it stays like that for hours, it's really weird i NEED SOME HELP!!!!!!, the computer wont pass the POST The SSD has the new firmware, the motherboard has the latest BIOS version available in ASUS webpage. I would really like to put ie in AHCI mode instead of IDE mode because the difference in performance in significant and the function TRIM it's only usable with AHCI plzzz!!!!! Any ideas, ths in advance for your help, im looking forward to fix this problem.. Bye I NEED HELP
ASUS MAXIMUS EXTREME Can anyone modd bios version 1104 with Intel RST Option ROM v., JMB363 v 1.8.xx, newer Marvell LAN ROM, SLI nVidia certifikates and ASUS SLIC 2.1!!! Or any best bios for that mainboard for Q6600 G0 Overclock... Any HELP will be good!! THX!
ASUS Modded bios option rom's For those that have Asus Boards look at the Asus Forums under the title of "FAO ASUS. ICH9R firmware/BIOS Upgrade Please!" for some Bios's that have been option rom modded. And some other's specific to your board.
All the info is here to do most of what you want done in the forums. Option ROM being the least risky to do if it dosen't workright you can just flash back to working BIOS
Try this for starters Thread: Asus Maximus EXTREME BIOS 1302 with SLIC 2.1. Post #18 Has ASUS SLIC 2.1
Some info or links to the files or a how to for the ACPI or ACHI replacement or is it the same as ROM's?
I've got a Shuttle SP35P2 Pro which has an ICH9R and I'm using it for raid1. Does anyone know what the latest OROM I should use for an ICH9R?