[Answered] Alternatives to activating instead of Microsoft Toolkit?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by riahc3, May 1, 2018.

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  1. Nimbus2000

    Nimbus2000 MDL Senior Member

    May 5, 2010
    My preferred solution is VLMCSD. I have copies running on my router, a Linux based server, a NAS, and on my cell phone. I have absolutely NO issues with anti-virus getting in the way with false positives. I prefer to avoid the problems of attempting to circumvent restrictions Microsoft has placed on KMS activation. In my opinion, DLL injection, Tap adapter, etc are a kludge. Running the KMS server on a seperate device is the way KMS was designed to operate.
  2. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  3. Strategos

    Strategos MDL Novice

    Oct 20, 2015
    #23 Strategos, May 11, 2018
    Last edited: May 11, 2018
    This is the situation I'm in... as far as I'm aware: Windows 7 -> Daz -> Upgrade to 10 is clean, and results in a legit activated license - but this method is useless with new 8th gen hardware
    I think WIndows 8(.1) and activated with Toolkit/KMSpico isn't a "true" activation, and upgrading to windows 10 will still require the use of Toolkit/KMSpico

    Can anyone confirm this is all true? For new hardware is the best method currently just install 10 directly and use Toolkit?

    I even tried to install 10, use a virtual machine to install windows 7 and whatever drivers I could, and activate with Daz - but moving the HWID cert to the windows 10 install and trying to activate was unsuccessful :(
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    8.1 KMS > 10586 = MAK (you can insert the generic pro hwid key and it will show HWID activation) > clean install, or upgrade to a newer build, will also show HWID activation.

    For moving the HWID activation from the VM to the host you have to link the HWID of the VM to your MSA and next use the activation troubleshooter on the host and sign in with your MSA and transfer the HWID to the host.
  5. Strategos

    Strategos MDL Novice

    Oct 20, 2015
    The problem with the virtual machine is that none of the drivers install properly! I'll have to give it another go.
    I have no idea about this 8.1 method though!
    So install 8.1 (with the MAK key? or do i enter this later?) > use KMS to activate > go online and update to 10586 (what's the best way to do this? Just via windows update?) > when on 10586 upgrade to 10

    Thanks a bunch if I got that right!
  6. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    To me this means:

    1. Install 8.1 Pro and activate with a KMS solution.
    2. Upgrade to windows 10 Pro build 10586 aka 1511 (select to keep nothing), it will show being MAK activated.
    3. To have it show being HWID activated you could enter the generic Pro HWID key, ending on 3V66T (not needed because the next step will show being HWID activated anyway).
    4. Either clean install, or upgrade to, a more current windows 10 Pro build and it will show being HWID activated.
  7. MrChris

    MrChris MDL Addicted

    Jun 23, 2007
    Below is a high level summary of what I did for just about every mobo/laptop/tablet etc.. I have. Only creating 1 USB however. It basically give you a portable Activated Win7 that allows you to generate a new/diff GenuineTicket.xml for every computer the VHD boots up on. :)

    1.) Create BCD Bootable USB drive (HDD or Flash)
    2.) I created/deployed install.wim to Win7pro.vhd (20GB/dynamic vhd) using DISM tools
    3.) Include Mobo DriverPacks etc.. on USB
    4.) Add Win7Pro.vhd to USB's MBR/BCD menu using (EasyBCD 2.3)
    5.) Boot to USB flash drive select Win7pro.vhd from BCD menu
    6.) Win7pro.vhd boots for first time and performs OOBE
    7.) once at desktop install important mobo drivers
    8.) Install/Activate using DAZ (WindowsLoader) into win7pro.vhd
    9.) generate GenuineTicket.xml
    10.) Install Fresh copy of Win10 pro on same physical computer then activate using GenuineTicket.xml and done.

    Its not a 1 click but its easy/portable (everything on 1 physical usb drive) and will get you a Windows 10 DL (Digital License)/HWID that is permanent then you never have to worry about anything activation related. At least as of the time of posting this. :)

  8. Strategos

    Strategos MDL Novice

    Oct 20, 2015
    Superstar! With this I successfully got activated windows 10 on new 8th gen hardware (which has no windows 7 support).
    Thanks a lot, i learned a lot through this too :)
  9. copeland

    copeland MDL Novice

    May 18, 2018
    #29 copeland, May 18, 2018
    Last edited: May 18, 2018
    How can I still upgrade, just by using an iso setup?
  10. prashantsays

    prashantsays MDL Member

    Jun 13, 2016