Using this latest IE9 cumulative security update as an example, how do I locate and determine what the "mum" number is? I ran into this problem in step #17 of my guide until another member provided me with the correct number. I want to be able to locate and determine the number when the next IE9 cumulative security update is released so I can edit the needed batch file correctly.
You need to extract or open the .msu file with 7-Zip or other tools and find the .cab file, open that too and you will find the package_x .mum files.
The extraction process of the .msu file results in 2 .cab files: The extraction of the first CAB file results in 200 files with several of them with a extension. The extraction of the second CAB file results in 1 file with a cab extension. Now I know what to do after the next IE9 cumulative security update is released. Thanks!
Extract it or open it as said and then look for packages 2 and 3. You will have to adjust the script to the version of the mum files of those 2 packages.