That is for win 7 only, on win 7 removing the ei.cfg will enable you to install any of the available skus on the ISO/USB. On win 8 and up the generic ei.cfg* will enable you to install any of the available SKUs on the ISO/USB and skips the auto sku selection when a MSDM is present. *generic ei.cfg: Code: [EditionID] [Channel] Retail [VL] 0
@shhnedo it already works for me , I had to enter the absolute path "6EB7-63C6" wimlib-imagex export "/media/ABC/1/_ltsc/install.wim" all --compress=LZMS --solid "/media/TEST/6EB7-63C6/ABC/install.esd" wimlib-imagex export "/media/ABC/1/_business/install.wim" all --compress=LZMS --solid "/media/TEST/6EB7-63C6/ABC/install.esd" wimlib-imagex export "/media/ABC/1/_consumer/install.wim" all --compress=LZMS --solid "/media/TEST/6EB7-63C6/ABC/install.esd" PS: Windows-DISM (I wanted to ask what is better or is it the same?) LTSC (WIM), business (WIM), consumer (WIM) > One WIM > One ESD (The WIM process on ESD only 1x run, isn't it faster?) or LTSC (WIM), business (WIM), consumer (WIM) > One ESD (the process on ESD run 3x)
This. The first one just adds an extra step of combining all 3 indexes into one wim, before exporting that one wim to an esd, which is pointless.
why do you want to create bootable iso if you can deploy install wim directly to machine with single index using a PE or RE or FE
do you need oscdimg tool command to create bootable iso from extracted iso directory | Here i use "DVD" as name of Extracted ISO Directory & oscdimg adk tool is kept next to script. Code: @echo off cd /d %~dp0 oscdimg.exe -bootdata:2#p0,e,b".\DVD\boot\"#pEF,e,b".\DVD\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin" -o -h -m -u2 -udfver102 -lCPRA_X64FRE_EN-US_DV9 ".\DVD" "%~dp0Custom-Windows.iso"
Additional Optional Not recommended script to reduce iso size to max extent before creating final "Custom-Windows ISO" Code: echo ***************************************************************** echo --- Reduce ISO Layout to Maximum Extent echo ***************************************************************** setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion set "TargetFolder=.\DVD\sources" set "ExcludeFiles=" for %%I in ("%TargetFolder%\") do if "%%~dpI" == "%~dp0" set "ExcludeFiles=/C:"%~nx0"" for /F "eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir "%TargetFolder%\" /AD /B 2^>nul ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /I /L /V /X /C:".\*"') do rd /S /Q "%TargetFolder%\%%I" for /F "eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir "%TargetFolder%\" /A-D /B 2^>nul ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /I /L /V /X /C:"boot.wim" /C:"install.wim" /C:"lang.ini" /C:"setup.exe" %ExcludeFiles%') do del /A /F "%TargetFolder%\%%I" endlocal setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion set "TargetFolder=.\DVD" set "ExcludeFiles=" for %%I in ("%TargetFolder%\") do if "%%~dpI" == "%~dp0" set "ExcludeFiles=/C:"%~nx0"" for /F "eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir "%TargetFolder%\" /AD /B 2^>nul ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /I /L /V /X /C:"boot" /C:"efi" /C:"sources"') do rd /S /Q "%TargetFolder%\%%I" for /F "eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir "%TargetFolder%\" /A-D /B 2^>nul ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /I /L /V /X /C:"bootmgr" /C:"bootmgr.efi" %ExcludeFiles%') do del /A /F "%TargetFolder%\%%I" endlocal echo --- Reduced ISO Layout to Maximum Extent echo *****************************************************************
This is an amazing command! (I wanted to change the boot-order in the menu (Index) but I can't find a suitable commands for "DISM or "wimlib-imagex") Example: Code: Index 6: Windows 10 Enterprise Index 5: Windows 10 Enterprise N Index 12: Windows 10 Home 1 Index 4: Windows 10 Home N Index 9: Windows 10 Pro Index 1: Windows 10 Pro N Index 2: Windows 10 Education Index 10: Windows 10 Education N Index 7: Windows 10 Pro Education Index 3: Windows 10 Pro Education N Index 8: Windows 10 Pro for Workstations Index 11: Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations Change: Code: Index 1: Windows 10 Enterprise Index 2: Windows 10 Enterprise N Index 3: Windows 10 Home 1 Index 4: Windows 10 Home N Index 5: Windows 10 Pro Index 6: Windows 10 Pro N Index 7: Windows 10 Education Index 8: Windows 10 Education N Index 9: Windows 10 Pro Education Index 10: Windows 10 Pro Education N Index 11: Windows 10 Pro for Workstations Index 12: Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations
I understand your command, but I'm only looking for an index change commands without full-recreating the file "install.esd" (I thought I would just change the index in the maybe .xml file): wimlib-imagex info --xml "/media/NAME/install.esd"
You mean change the index name and description? Code: wimlib-imagex info "install.esd" 1 "Windows blahblah..." "Windows blahblah..." --image-property FLAGS=Enterprise* --image-property DISPLAYNAME="Windows blahblah..." --image-property DISPLAYDESCRIPTION="Windows blahblah..." * is the EditionID for the index. Or offline upgrade the edition?