I used to have a windows integration guide on this board but I guess it got deleted. Anyhow, you need to familiarize yourself with the commandline dism tool and being able to mount a wim file, copy files to the mounted folder, and then unmount the wim file. There are even gui tools like dism++ you can use IIRC. You just need to be able to mount, copy files to mounted folder, and unmount. Once you know how to do that properly, it's all about maintaining the correct folder structure. For instance, if files need to go in windows\system32 then you look for say mount\windows\system32 and copy the files there. I don't remember exactly what my instructions were in my diskpart script thread and you should follow those. This is just general advice.
Just fyi, that is called PXE boot. Just search for PXE boot windows 10 in google/youtube & you will get many resources.