To me it installs but I have to use Win 11 Startup and update FiX KiT v4.0 otherwise it tells me that it does not meet the requirements, when it installs and restarts again to configure drivers and complete the installation I get a Blue screen error.
I've tested extensively & in my opinion its legit. edge is gone. MS folders in program files are gone. defender is completely immobilized, insider preview is not available, WU works but no MS products can be updated. System services most data collection services are disabled including defender. Task scheduler has no telemtry collections that I can see. IMHO this is real. its a heck of a nock-off if it isn't.
I haven't downloaded any kms and I have those files. The files don't run automatically at boot, you need to run SetupComplete.cmd. Code: @echo off fltmc >nul || exit /b call "%~dp0activate_kms38.cmd" call "%~dp0RemoveEdge.cmd" cd \ (goto) 2>nul & (if "%~dp0"=="%SystemRoot%\Setup\Scripts\" rd /s /q "%~dp0")
You really think official EnterpriseG english exist? ever been? it's called China edition it only allow en-us LP for testing
disabled by product policy........ best are install regular windows 10/11 enterprise and import Enterprise G restriction ( GPO )