I agree so I don't believe that 24th date..at least Dell and Lenovo have an advantage over a lot of the others because most of their PCs are made to order and shipped direct, but what about all the others whose main business is retail? They have to build them, mainly in China, ship them, let them sit in quarantine, go through a few different middlemen and finally get to the retailers and put on the shelves..in my opinion they are already screwed, their clock ran out a week ago.
I will repeat one more time for those whose missed it The RTM will be given to partners during WPC 2015. Bye now
Yah, maybe. I don't know. I kind-of doubt that people are still doing the physical media thing in 2015. I know they still sell them, but srsly...
Heck no, there are partners and there are partners and you don't have to own a company or have a URL..just say ABC Consulting or something...they don't deny anybody's application and you get nothing in return for joining other than some information from time to time..I originally joined so I could buy Action Pack and ended up never buying it anyway.
There are partner gradings, gold will get everything, paper partner(partner on paper only) gets nothing, except a name. Btw, why people always try to post unofficial infos(i.e. rumors) and say things like "confirmed"? I always try to add "take with salt" even though I am quite convinced about the info.
I know I didn't bother signing up after all Well we can't confirm RTM date but the build number for it is official (10400 that is)
RTM will be available on July 15. GOOD CALL MS. on other news, I installed latest build on one of my laptops. It's slow and appears to freeze from time to time when installing a program, on a SSD drive. Windows 8.1 was a lot faster and smooth. Damn, I don't think MS can give us a golden RTM in time. Still feels a lot choppy.