POT - KETTLE - BLACK Please don't act as if you have never been wrong or made up stuff to get some attention on your Twitter page. I'm going to just stop before I rant about your immature ways lol. You're really not worth it. Only thing I'll say is the amount of trash you talk about one person says a lot about you.
Why O why should you rant in the first place it is an forum about sharing information on computers It is only matter be bigger than that !!
Just ignore the kiddie @endbase, the child had been flaming people trying to make a fame for himself.
Ugh, what a mess of an OS... I remeber back in the day (2000 or early '01) I installed ME in my AMD K6-2 300 MHz, and it was so bad that two weeks later I went back to Win98SE...
I have a question regarding the RTM, might be a stupid one. If the RTM is leaked, say, on the 15th, will I be able to install and activate it just like the release on the 29th? That is, can I install the RTM on my main system and keep using it past the release on the 29th with updates and all?
Yep you could it will activate. The problem is will it leak? Will the leak be untouched? Will the leak be in correct language? Will my software all work with it? Are there drivers for all my hardware? etc etc
You *should* I can't imagine them giving it to a bunch of ppl at the conference with no way to activate it. There will still be driver issues for some people at the beginning.
I think rtm is signed off, gabe have posted a picture from hair cutting and in the middle from 10130 he say another guy cut hair by windows 10 is rtmed and by build 10174 are not all languages at msvnext and now by 10240 are all languages available