Does this mean 87 pages of guessing the final build number were wrong? Google translate doesn't do a very good job but this is what it comes up with for that pcbeta post "I said in another post, WIN10 no concept of RTM, but 10240 is the equivalent of RTM." Maybe he means 240 is still not RTM but will become RTM as something else, can't tell.
Do you think we can see ''leak '' Windows 10 RTM on the internet the 15th July ? Microsoft give acess at Windows 10 RTM Iso at MSDN / Technet the 15th july ?
I know its an old one but 10224 is being sent out to a few more work places now, chance this might leak today. I doubt 10240 will though.
WE've seen quite a lot of changes on how MS treats win10, "Windows as a Service" for a start, it would be interesting to see how things would develop.
One of those posts at the bottom of that page seems to say there is still an issue with SSD installs. Not sure if he meant with this build or another but I know people here have had that issue too. Seems to be driver related, at least I hope that's all it is.
This is from MS guy, no way he'll leak it, BetaAsia got zh-CN, so better hope WZor or OSBA leak the en-US.