Well, I guess some of you are either just independently wealthy or made of money ..... Some of us aren't. I've only had a couple HDDs ever fail (<cough>Seagate<cough>), and 1 WD, but that was only because it was dropped. Haven't had an easyStore or an Elements go out on me yet. They've always been completely solid. This is a first, in many ways. However, as it's now virtually as cheap to buy the raw HDD as it is the external, I'll switch to those, since I have 2 HotSwap bays (and I have drive cases to store them in). --- DS
Well, that IS interesting - though I only buy my SSDs from CRUCIAL or SAMSUNG at this point. I know about the SMR bit, but that was on older drives, not the newer ones. Though I suppose maybe I should check my 10TB easyStores (I think I only have 2, and maybe 2-12TB). Not certain HOW you can tell though. --- DS
Well, don't get me wrong speaking of platter HDDs I still think that WD is by far the best choice among the only three remaining brands. But producing good HDDs is not enough. Even if you have a single broken one over 10 millions sold, how you behave with end users matters, and WD in that area doesn't look that shiny... Perhaps any update in your personal case?