Anybody know what these two things are....??

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Rickkins, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. odiebugs1

    odiebugs1 MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2015
    :spam::spam::spam::spam: Just kidding. LOL
  2. Kuantum Freak

    Kuantum Freak MDL Junior Member

    Mar 30, 2015
    In America it's innocent till proven guilty. I think that we shouldn't blame MS till we have hard evidence that they do in fact mine data and do something to it that we don't like.

    Data mining is right, to a point. I agree there should be a line drawn, but MS needs data to see what is happening to consumers so they can fix it. If they have no data then how are they going to fix it?

    I know people have their opinions about MS and their data collection, but there is no reason to be so upfront about it; this is a forum to discuss things, not a forum to call other people names because their views differ.
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  3. Kuantum Freak

    Kuantum Freak MDL Junior Member

    Mar 30, 2015
    As I said, if Apple downloads updates on your phone and urges you to upgrade its fine, but if MS does it, we have a problem?

    I too hate Apple; I use it as a e-reader. My parents gave me it for my birthday, and don't want them to feel bad, so I'm kind of forced to use it.
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  4. odiebugs1

    odiebugs1 MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2015
    Nice point.

    I think everyone has a right to privacy even if the data taken from them is not not hurting them and they should be asked.

    The people who think MS is only doing it for the good of the OS shouldn't start with the tin foil hat comments, and the people who don't like MS collecting shouldn't be calling them on knees for MS.
  5. zero2dash

    zero2dash MDL Member

    Aug 30, 2012
    #25 zero2dash, Oct 19, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
    The data is being collected. TBH with you, I don't have a problem with them collecting the data because users allow them to do so.
    I think the notion of opt-out is a little sketchy, but, they are giving the OS away, so I suppose there's the "pay".

    However, the fact that opting-out does very little (again I cite numerous sites/articles using Fiddler/Wireshark as proof) - that's what I have issue with.

    I think Win10 is a very good OS; I've told people it's like a refined 7. That was my main opinion (prior to the unwanted network traffic leaking). By and large I still have that opinion, however, it's more skewed (or you can add an asterisk). I don't like the snooping. If I turn off the snooping, there should be no snooping; the problem is, there still is. That's BS. No other Windows release acted this way. I can disable the updates (and not install the updates) on 7 to add the same telemetry/CEIP stuff that 10 has, and my 7 sits there and does not have unwanted network traffic leaking. That's the big difference here.

    I don't agree with what they've done, but I understand it (re: the data collection). The things it does that I told it not to do is where I'm drawing the line. I also don't see any reason to push updates and give no users any way to opt out of updates (or at a minimum release a KB that says what the update does); releasing an aftermarket non-out of the box tool to hide those updates is not a fix, that's a band-aid that will probably be temporary (at best). However, welcome to OSaaS, I suppose. :eek:

    I do agree with the namecalling and that it has no place here, or anywhere.

    Urges is one thing; forces is another. They were (until caught, reprimanded, and received bad publicity) forcing users to upgrade [last week]. Again, they claim it was an "accident"; I don't believe that for one second, especially when

    • they're pushing users to upgrade
    • they want 100 million users within a year (or 3 years, or whatever it was)
    • you have the collecting going on with 10
    • more users = more precious data to be had
    ...which further gives motive for them forcing people to upgrade.
  6. Shayne

    Shayne MDL Addicted

    Jul 31, 2009
    When someone asks a legit question and you respond on a tangent like this what do you really want people to think of you? Are you that much of an OS fan boy that the above is the first response to his question you can think of.

    Maybe you should type less, read more and respect others queries.

    It is the M$ support that becomes worrisome.

    That is hard to swallow for me ..... so the manufacture of my automobile needs to be in my vehicle so they can make a better one? and if my vehicle does not work right I can not approach them and tell them. Maybe my tv needs to send video of inside my home to the manufacture so they know I am enjoying it. Feedback is feedback sending info from a personal procession without consent is another?

  7. zero2dash

    zero2dash MDL Member

    Aug 30, 2012
    As odiebugs said, they have millions of Insider users giving full diagnostic data, telemetry, keypresses, etc; therefore, why is it necessary to pull more data from everyone else? It's not necessary.
    I understand you want bug fixing data; that's fine, we're not talking about that.

    Again, my issue is that you tell the OS to not communicate back to MS, and it does it anyway. That's not right and I'm not (personally) going to allow it. I boycott your product.
    When I turn off every single slider and opt-out using every method you've given me (including ones that most people don't know about, which is GP) - yet my 10 VM sitting idle at the desktop doing absolutely nothing is still communicating off and on back to Redmond? :mad: GTFOuttahere, Microsoft.
  8. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    dude then go back XP so u feel your not being spy on.......oh but that does not solve your big brother problem:rolleyes:
  9. odiebugs1

    odiebugs1 MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2015
  10. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    That is typically because it either needs to use them or will at some point. For example you can take a picture of a check and deposit it. Then it would need to use your camera, and email, maybe other stuff.
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  11. Underclocked

    Underclocked MDL Member

    Sep 3, 2013
    How could anyone possibly doubt your impeccable logic and your clear presentation of FACTS. The subtle way you assert your superiority is very clever.

    In other words, prove ANYTHING you just blurted out as being the gospel. That IS the problem and it's one not likely to go away because of your childish rants.
  12. kbman

    kbman MDL Novice

    Dec 24, 2012
    Microsoft and Prism. Let me see stored data, used the internet, and nobody really new about it until the Snowden leak. good argument there Mr. Myers.
  13. WindowsGeek

    WindowsGeek MDL Expert

    Jun 30, 2015
    i think some people here have to much time in their hands, how about looking for a job or do some volunteer work.:D
  14. Kuantum Freak

    Kuantum Freak MDL Junior Member

    Mar 30, 2015
    TVs do connect to the manufacturer's servers before they access content. I remember once that none of my streaming apps (like netflix) did not work. After a trip to the Sony help forums, there was a lot of commotion on how their TVs would first pass through Sony's server so Sony could collect data on what the users were watching. And because Sony's servers were having problems, they couldn't access streaming apps.
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  15. Kuantum Freak

    Kuantum Freak MDL Junior Member

    Mar 30, 2015
    School is really boring, MDL is a pastime during school. :p
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  16. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012

    That's not the problem. Not the big one, at least.

    The big problem is not collecting one kind of data, the big problems is data collected from any kind of programs and sent all to the same subject.

    No matter if you use gmail, google drive, googlenow, googleplus, googlemaps chrome or hotmail, edge/explorer, windows live drive and so on.

    Say having the the bookmarks on the Opera servers is not a concern. Instead having everithing on MS/Google/Apple servers is an HUGE problem.

    That's the point you should realize.
  17. Engineer2k2

    Engineer2k2 MDL Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    #38 Engineer2k2, Oct 20, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2015
    First of all when I PAID for My OS (User Rights) it should OBEY ME and not M$. Just like when I log in a Hotel for stay no one peeps in during the Day or Night to see what is happening in the room. I can also put DO NOT DISTURB - So M$ should provide a new BUTTON "Do Not Disturb" for those who are not comfortable with such non-sense activities (Like Me).

    M$ is collecting data to improve their product (Not MY) - So they should PAY for the bandwidth usage of the INTERNET since it will benefit them.

    Why does not M$ provide the details of the data being sent and TAKE permission from Me before sending - Just like Firefox and other open source software's which inform us and take permission to send report after a CRASH. (M$ sounds FISHY and SUSPICIOUS)

    I am not so worried about the COMPANY M$ but you never know which of your employ is cooking something in his mind using our data. I had a bad experience with FLIGHT TICKET booking over phone using Credit Card with a reputed COMPANY.
