tried sucsessfully on first try on my dell vostro 420, everything works. latest iAtkos snow leopard. then did a update from apple and still everything runs fine. yes iv used vanila kernel not the voodoo ones. internet works fine with broadcom NIC builtin
tried running it On VMware and got some weird error about wrong FSB frequency... some other people with same CPU (I7 860) reported success.
I need help guys. I downloaded the newest iatkos disk and got it to burn ok after about 5 tries but when I change my bios to read the hd as achi sata my computer won't boot. any ideas? my system is a new core i5 so it should work... Oh, I should add that I'm running Win 7 x64 and would like to install OSX on my second partition which I've left unformatted.
Sometimes when you make changes in BIOS settings the boot order changes by itself. Always check your boot order after changing BIOS settings...
the thing is, I had it set to boot from the cd... without changing the bios to achi-sata will it still install? previously it would kernal panick after I chose to boot from osx using the chamelon loader given on the iatkos disk. I know of uphuck and the other forums but with new hardware and an up-to-date snow leopard distro, I figured it'd be easy. Should I try installing it first and then Win7?
@wizsand I had that problem once in Asus P5K-Premimum motherboard, try disabling hardware checking at startup and make sure your motherboard supports AHCI. Also, if you have a supported Intel processor you can try installing with iBoot + Retail DVD + Multibeast, is by far the easiest install, on non-intel I have installed with iAtkosv7 but didn't like the results... Also you NEED to set SATA to AHCI, otherwise the installer won't recognize any of your hds Hope I helped
Are you serious? Put diesel in your petrol car and complain it doesn't work. 1; Hackintosh OS X only works well on the correct hardware. Apple never claimed compatibility of it's OS with PC's. Therefore it is naive of you to expect it to work just like that. Linux on the other hand does claim PC compatibility and doesn't live up to the promise as far as home use is concerned. 2; Linux is not an OS for home users. Linux is a hobby for geeks like us and even we get tired of it's issues. I know I did, although I admit I'm not a 100% pure geek. 3; Before you adopt somebody else biased opinion, go and use a Mac with Snow Leopard for a couple of months. 4; Do the same with any plain Linux distro on your PC. See how that goes. I guarantee you that you'll be back to Windows in a matter of days. Except for playing games, OS X is at least as good an operating system as Windows. Behind them there is a huge void at the end of which you start to see the Linux distro crowd and other wannabe OS's. Just because you can easily install Linux on a PC doesn't mean you have a working system. But don't take my word for it. Try it. When you get frustrated remember that Linux is a hobby.
Linux is perfectly usable for just normal plain users Most of the "Joe Blog" users do just: web browsing, email, some media playback & ocassional letter to here & there Tell me which Linux distro could not do it? Use ie. Mint, light & perfect for the above I gave a couple of machines away with Mint booting from VHD & the user never noticed anything different about it... sebus
If you mean Windows won't boot any more change the bios back to ide or whatever and then google "enabling achi after install" This will show you simple ways of then changing the bios to achi and then booting windows. If OSX has overwritten the windows boot files google will also show you how to restore them. hth Mike
No problem at all with unmodified retail Snow Leopard and a couple of kexts on a gigabyte EP45-UDR or on a Gigabyte EP45-UD3L, with Nvidia 9800 or 9500 video cards and onboard hardware. Both vanilla 10.6.4 installs, one with Cartri bios and one with standard bios. Core2D and Core2Q on P45/ICH10 boards are generally easy to mod. Networking, sound, video, Time Machine, sleep, software updates all work fine. And the same machines run Win7, WinXP, Win 98 and Ubuntu under VMware Fusion pretty effortlessly. Look for Insanely Mac and Cartri on Google. Don't get into distros like iAtkos unless you have difficult hardware - and expect to suffer if you do.
Just want to share my experience here. I has successfully installed Mac OS X on Acer Aspire 3680 & Acer Aspire 9420. On Acer Aspire 3680 I installed Leopard while Acer Aspire 9420 with Snow Leopard. Newer notebooks now have fancy specification like optimus & switchable graphic card. It is difficult to get Mac OS X working on these notebooks. If anybody planning to install, for research & POC of course, notebook with single graphic card, especially nvidia graphic card will have better chances.
Support for Intel Core i5 & i7 processor only start available on 10.6.3, 10.6.4 & above. If you have Mac OS X installer DVD or the iAtkos DVD which is older than 10.6.3, you'll need to use boot CD for example EmpireEFI boot CD. There are a lot iAtkos DVD out there, so make sure you get the one compatible with your processor. I recommend using original Mac OS X installer DVD.
Yes, i had installed SL 10.6.3 successfully with P45 asus card like P5Q de luxe and Nvidia card. Now running SL 10.6.4 with P6TD de luxe x58 (dual boot with win 7) cpu i7 975x, GTX280, 12GB ddr3 1600, this build is 100 % working and 100% stable with cpu speedstep, sleep, 2x network, HD sound and is more faster than many expansives mac pros and don't require any bios mod or special settings just use AHCI for HDD.
i have tried it on my acer aspire one and it worked perfectly, but the battery drained faster, in your place, i'd try for a couple of days
I built a beast specifically to run OS X, so all of the components were as close to original as possible. I would post links here but apparently I need at least 20 posts. Running a Corei7-930 at 3.99Ghz on a Gigabyte EX58-UD5 with 12GB of RAM and an EVGA GTX-285 - watercooled and overclocked. The only thing that doesn't work right now is eSATA hotplug, and I'm too lazy to get that up and running. Audio, ethernet, etc are all fine.