Now I'm trying to learn how to make dism /online /get-currentedition to work on licence switching. @zhanglin got it to work, if I remember right? Editing package registry values resulted in blinking cursor on command prompt. No error though.
I made a windows 10 1803 s mode iso. Installed it and when I update from Windows update it went to 20h2 but it went back to normal mode. Why does it do this?
He wants: 1. add certificates 2. Online\Offine Update working 3. (This) dism /online (/image:MOUNT) /get-currentedition working it is a matter of Appearance & Practicality.
It is easy, very easy. In fact, without it showing correct EditionID, the system is behaving exactly the EditionID should behave, all for the "Product policy" of the certificates. behavior = practicality showing correct EditionID = appearance Both working together makes Perfection.
Speaking of Code Integrity, CMGE is not just disabling Windows Defender by certificates (Product policy).
19041.1 EnterpriseS reconstruction? No, it is great invention, not wasting time. (ONLY IF in FULL EnterpriseS structure,) It'd be amazing if you can express in more detailed. (No need to show tutorial out of your Magic Box, just some proof.)
As I said clearly: New Update Technology + PSFX Update format = Windows Tamper Killer Custom Image + Custom Update = New Update Technology + PSFX Update format Terminator So, for regular users, the easiest way for Edition-Switch is "Certificates + with\without working way showing correct EditionID".
Q: What is the difference between these two Product policies? SystemReset-Cleanpc-Enabled 0 (e.g. EnterpriseG) SystemReset-Cleanpc-Enabled 1 (e.g. Professional)