I'm not really, but on the homepage of the topic Aunty Mel's Cheap And Nasty SxS File Expander (Updated 2013/09/29) all links aren't working.... But the tool that you're talking about is SxSv1?
And why didn't you report them to the Admin, I would have gathered all possible screen prints with conversations and everything possible and put them where they deserved, outside the MDL forever.
On NS you could post your projects without worrying about guys like these, there is a member area for special projects like yours ...
Don't be afraid my friend, they do it out of sheer envy, for not having the same ability that you have to learn about it, don't let people so small make you change, they can't tell you who you are, only you can tell who you are. I will go to sleep, because it's 2:10 AM here and i'm tired. Be well, safe and healthy my friend, your family and all yours. A great hug
Good night, my friend. (I am still strugling with the EdgeChromium on Server 2022 - the most mysterious I have ever met.)