Q: Is it possible to integrate EdgeChromium to LTSC 2019? A: Yes. But 1. no Edge shortcut at taskbar. 2. with three scheduled tasks.
Q: Is it possible to integrate EdgeChromium to LTSC 2019 with Edge shortcut at taskbar? A: The answers from the web say no.
Q: Is it possible to integrate EdgeChromium to LTSC 2016? A: Yes, same as LTSC 2019. Both Server Desktop Experience and EnterpriseS.
My next project will be Azure Stack HCI Desktop Experience. Just downloaded Azure Stack HCI 20348.1 and Server 2022 20348.1. Let's see what kind of stuff is possible to do. Q: How to get AS HCI 20348.1? A: First, make a VM of HCI 17784. Install ALL the possible updates. After that, run Set-PreviewChannel on PowerShell. Restart the VM and after that check for feature updates. It should find the update and download it. When it is installing, you should copy it's files from C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution to somewhere else, like C:\hci20348.1 for example.
It uses OpenSSH-Client-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~.cab instead of OpenSSH-Server-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~.cab
This is official iso info e.g. en-US ISO name Code: AzureStackHCI_20384.1_EN-US.iso DVD Label Code: SASH_X64FRE_EN-US_DV9 WIM information Code: <NAME>Azure Stack HCI SERVERAZURESTACKHCICORE</NAME> <DESCRIPTION>Azure Stack HCI SERVERAZURESTACKHCICORE</DESCRIPTION> <FLAGS>ServerAzureStackHCICor</FLAGS> <DISPLAYNAME>Azure Stack HCI</DISPLAYNAME> <DISPLAYDESCRIPTION>This option installs Azure Stack HCI.</DISPLAYDESCRIPTION>
If updated from 17784, it shows 17784.1 - awkward If installed with 20384, it shows 20384.1 - comfortable
I'm downloading currently the FOD ISO for trying the conversion from ServerDatacenter to ServerAzureStackHCICor. I need some files and features from that ISO. Specifically I need Microsoft-Windows-Hotpatch-Payload-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.20348.1.