Fact: Microsoft is gonna use EnableSelectabilityForEdition on 21H2 IoTEnterpriseS (former Embedded) which is a Virtual SKU of EnterpriseS. Q: Why not one image for all by Virtual technology & EnableSelectabilityForEdition? CoreCountrySpecific (China people exclusive) Core Professional EnterpriseS EnterpriseG (China government exclusive) PPIPro And N And Business (just one more very small GVLK package installing KMS key.)
19041.1_Pro_to_EntG_amd64_en-US_zh-CN.zip sha1: 65442328BBBB280321014618588382EF28042005 Spoiler: free temporary link expired expired [HowTo] 4-1. Copy 19041.1 Professional install.wim (from UUPdump. NOT official 19041.84) into 19041_Pro_to_EntG_amd64_en-US_zh-CN 4-2. Extract contents of language pack into lp 4-3. Extract contents of EditionSpecific package into sxs 4-4. Run Start-As-Admin.cmd as Administrator Code: ================================================================================================== Converting 19041.1 Windows 10 Professional to EnterpriseG amd64 en-US ================================================================================================== Mounting image Adding EnterpriseG Adding en-US client language pack Current Edition : EnterpriseG Resetting base Unmounting image ================================================================================================== 19041.1 Windows 10 EnterpriseG amd64 en-US has been successfully created ================================================================================================== WIM Information: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME="Windows 10 EnterpriseG" DESCRIPTION="Windows 10 EnterpriseG" FLAGS="EnterpriseG" DISPLAYNAME="Windows 10 Enterprise G" DISPLAYDESCRIPTION="Windows 10 Enterprise G" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press any key to continue . . .
Testing 21996.1_PRO-to-ENTS_amd64_Edge_21996_Default Code: Converting 21996.1 Windows 10 Professional to Enterprise LTSC amd64 en-US Mounting image Creating EnterpriseS Current Edition : EnterpriseS (OEM) Removing Apps Resetting base Unmounting image 21996.1 Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC amd64 en-US has been successfully created Press any key to continue . . .