17763.1 Server LTSC --> Windows Server 21H2 (20348.1) 17763.1 Client LTSC --> Windows 10 21H2 (19041.1) ? Code: For consumer and commercial users with devices running version 2004 or later, the Windows 10 version 21H2 update will install quickly. With Windows 10 scheduled for release in the second half of 2021, home and Pro editions of 21H2 will receive 18 months of maintenance, while Enterprise and Education editions will receive 30 months of maintenance. In addition, the next version of Windows 10 Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) based on version 21H2 will be launched at the same time. 19041.1 Client (SAC) --> Windows 11 21H2 (22000.1) (AC) (cab+psf LCU)
20h2enablement 2093230218 Code: <registryKey keyName="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FeatureManagement\Overrides\0\2093230218"> <registryValue name="EnabledState" valueType="REG_DWORD" value="0x00000002" /> <registryValue name="EnabledStateOptions" valueType="REG_DWORD" value="0x00000000" /> </registryKey> 21h1enablement 633829003 Code: <registryKey keyName="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FeatureManagement\Overrides\0\633829003"> <registryValue name="EnabledState" valueType="REG_DWORD" value="0x00000002" /> <registryValue name="EnabledStateOptions" valueType="REG_DWORD" value="0x00000000" /> </registryKey> 21h2enablement 2083071627 Code: <registryKey keyName="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FeatureManagement\Overrides\0\2083071627"> <registryValue name="EnabledState" valueType="REG_DWORD" value="0x00000002" /> <registryValue name="EnabledStateOptions" valueType="REG_DWORD" value="0x00000000" /> </registryKey>
Reconstruction from ServerDatacenter to Professional. But 19044 LTSC tells that there will not be 20348 Client support - dead end.
Why do you assume 19044 would be LTSC? 19044.1055 doesn't have EnterpriseS as update candidate? I would vote for 21390 LTSC
22xxx? Oh, I see now. kibkalo Q: Why do you assume 19044 would be LTSC? 19044.1055 doesn't have EnterpriseS as update candidate? I would vote for 21390 LTSC. Tarsynear A: 21390 is dev
Q: Why the LCUs always renew C:\Windows\servicing\Editions\EditionMatrix.xml? Fact: Old build If the build of EditionMatrix.xml and LCU build are not matched, dism still shows correct EditionID. New build If the build of EditionMatrix.xml and LCU build are not matched, dism fails to show correct EditionID.
Hint: There are two types of PSF patch. Type 1. for users, without uncompressed source files. Type 2. for unknown, with uncompressed source files.