There is a very strange problem, install, extract Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-Component-SKU-EnterpriseS-License-Package and Microsoft-Windows -Security-SPP-Component-SKU-IoTEnterpriseS-License-Package, the following situations will occur. Spoiler
Spoiler As shown in the picture, delete or keep f and r. After installation, what effect will it have on the follow-up?
I don't have that package, no idea. I just extracted it from 19044.1149 system, same as yours. Q: How about the one from LCU? Except the binary backup, all is same. This information exists in update.mum. Code: <mum2:customInformation Version="10.0.19041.1149" xmlns:mum2="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3" PackageFormat="PSFX" /> Q: How could a package install PSFX files without that information? And how could it extract the PSFX files along with the binary files? Really unbelievable. Oh... Thank you very much for your question. PSFX patch KO.
How to convert PSFX format files into complete binary files Is there a similar decryption method with "PSFExtractor.exe"?
You have to ask the author of the tool. But, it seems that the tool is made for expanding compressed files only.
20348.112 Windows 10 EnterpriseS Workstation [Product Name] EnterpriseS: Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 IoTEnterpriseS: Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021