Q: How to make standalone ChromiumEdge package (edge.wim) Microsoft installed to some old Server 2022 Preview? Fact: I found Microsoft installed it without leaving setup files in system.
1. HWID for all. VM and PC. 2. set-edition key is default key defined in Default-Package. No need to install. e.g. Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-Component-SKU-Enterprise-Default-Package Unless Businees ISO which the GVLK key is installed by a seperate GVLK package.
C:\Windows\System32\xx-XX\Licenses\%Channel%\%SKU%\license.rtf xx-XX = Default installed language %Channel% = _Default (Retail)\OEM\Volume %SKU% = Core\Pro\EnterpriseS\ServerDatacenter (NOT Virtual SKUs) Then system search the license.rtf in C:\Windows\System32. If correct license.rtf found in C:\Windows\System32 = passed If correct license.rtf NOT found in C:\Windows\System32 = the error prompt OOBEEULA e.g. en-US IoTEnterpriseS OEM, a Virtual SKU of EnterpriseS So check if following license.rtf is existent: C:\Windows\System32\en-US\Licenses\OEM\EnterpriseS\license.rtf PS. Sometimes, the error may be caused by an official system. Then copy correct license.rtf to C:\Windows\System32\ before start insallation.
How the "correct" is defined? Where should I look for CRC/SHA/MD5 of correct license.rtf file? I do have files with correct folder names. Probably wrong files..
SKU in C:\Windows\servicing\Editions, and C:\Windows\System32\spp\tokens\skus. Core (Parent) CoreSingleLanguage (Virtual) C:\Windows\System32\xx-XX\Licenses\_Default\Core Professional (Parent) Education (Virtual) Enterprise (Virtual) ProfessionalCountrySpecific (Virtual) ProfessionalEducation (Virtual) ProfessionalSingleLanguage (Virtual) ProfessionalWorkstation (Virtual) ServerRdsh (Virtual) C:\Windows\System32\xx-XX\Licenses\_Default\Professional EnterpriseS (Parent) IoTEnterpriseS (Virtual) C:\Windows\System32\xx-XX\Licenses\OEM\EnterpriseS All Virtual SKU shares the same license.rtf of the Parent SKU. i.e. Virtual SKU does NOT have its own license.rtf.
Q: What are mandatory requirements to form a SKU? If you don't know about this, don't say you are good at reconstruction.