10036 has Store_test, but 10074 and 10134 have the plain store, but still the certs aren't compatible, just like they are different from 10240 to 14393
To say beter some guru should figure better how the certs are concatenated, and how to switch a "master" cert with another. Tat would allow really to turn windows inside-out , maybe is just not possible, but until five years ago seemed impossible to switch from server to worksation in 2 seconds, or to run WMC on Hypercore, but after years of test i did it. But now I'm getting older, with less time and less patience. So I wait patiently the next breacktrough from the younger brilliant minds, like Xinso
No, not that old !!! All I can say is that when I bought my first computer (in 1982) I bought it in a shop used to sell optics and barometers, given the computershops weren't a thing yet. Old enough ?
"MediaCenter-EnabledSku=1" Is what matters, not fooling the system to install the packages If you manage to get that you'll be my hero
There is no build. The iso is not installable, its just a bunch of files, at least the copy from webarchive.
By the way. Do you want me to stage 14357 ProfessionalWMC (or any other SKU that you need) and put it into a single WIM? edit: can someone delete this duplicate message please